Friday, December 30, 2005

Two Plus Two Is......


.........A Negative Number

At least according to the braintrust of the Canadian Conservative Party.

Specifically, it looks like John Reynolds, former Conservative Alliance Reform Party (a.k.a. 'CRAP') interim leader and current co-chair of the CPC's national campaign learned some of the fanciest misdirection plays in the Rovian Playbook when he attended the US Republican National Convention in the Summer of 2004.

As reported by Public Eye here is a chunk of a 'leaked' Email from Mr. Reynolds and his partner in discipline, Michael Fortier to the faithful:

"Ladies and gentlemen, for three weeks Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have run a positive, ideas-based campaign. We intend to continue doing so for as long as we can and in spite of the escalating negative and personal attacks on our leader and our party. We encourage all of you to ignore these attacks. Keep your eye focused clearly on the ultimate goal: defeating a corrupt Liberal government and restoring accountability in Ottawa."

Which is interesting in the extreme because it would suggest that the CPC has decided to bamboozle not just the public, but also its base.

But then again, maybe that is not surprising at all given that in CPC Land the new negative is actually positive as is clearly demonstrated here.

Can't wait for the Ad that tells us that War is Peace.....

Or that Private HealthCare is Universal.....

Or that Poverty is Wealth......

Or that Ralph Reed is Great......

Or that Dinosaurs are Young......

Forever young that is, which, even for another former CRAP leader, Mr. Stockwell Day, is a really long time*.

*Like 5000 years, give or take.


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