Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Beginning Of The End....


.....Of The War On Drugs?

Why isn't this front page news?

VANCOUVER -- Having access to Vancouver's experimental supervised injection site doesn't increase the chances an addict will relapse or start bingeing on drugs, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal this week.

Nor does the availability of the site significantly decrease the chance that addicts will seek treatment through methadone programs, according to the study done by the B.C. Centre of Excellence for HIV/AIDS and funded by Health Canada.

The report, the first of its kind, is proof that the reduction in harm pointed out in previous studies --including a decrease in sharing of needles and public disorder -- isn't outweighed by a possible increase in illegal drug use, said one of the authors, Thomas Kerr.

Now, you could say that there is self-interest at work here from local researchers.

But realize this - unlike the great majority of the junk that is foisted on us as fact by think-tanks like the world (in)famous Fraser Institute, papers published in the British Medical Journal are peer-reviewed.

They are not codswallop.


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