Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Potterville, British Columbia?


"Just remember this, Mr. Potter: that this rabble you're talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this town. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath?"
George Bailey, Bedford Falls NY, 1947

And is it too much to ask in the Land-O-Plenty that British Columbia has become in the here and now?

Well, with average costs for a bungalow in Mr. Emerson's 'working class' riding of Vancouver Kingsway running around $500K it probably is.

But if Sean Holman is correct it looks like former Real Estate management consultant and current Minister of Forest and Range* also responsible for Housing Rich Coleman just might be doing his best to make sure it never happens.

Now, how could he do a thing like that you might be asking?

Well, he could make sure that no more low income housing is built in B.C. while he simultaneously starts handing out Landlord Welfare in perpetuity (warning:pdf).

*What the heck is a "Range" minister anyway, somebody who watches old Bonanza re-runs so that they can master the stern and fatherly voice of Lorne Greene?
Of course, Smilin' Sammy Sullivan, destroyer of our last, best chance of achieving a true mixed income ownership community in the City of Vancouver just loves the 'Potterville in Perpetuity' concept.


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