Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Garbage Strike Conspiracy - Project (un)Civil Society



G.S.C. Sunday Night Update at bottom of post

Bigger E. has a bus pass now.

As a result, she travels the seven seas of Lotusland (ie. across bridges) with some regularity.

Case in point - this afternoon she took the 98B Line to Richmond to watch that craptacular BillyBob Thornton PE teacher movie thing.

C. wasn't feeling well, so little e. and me wandered over to the park to play soccer all on our own.

And when we got there we met a girl who sang the blues.

Actually, she was looking for her dog.

We took one of her posters, promised to keep our eyes open, and wished her luck.

Then we got ready to play.

But there was so much crap and litter everywhere that we decided to go home again.

To get garbage bags and gloves.

We returned and cleaned up a 50 foot square behind the backstop so that we could play one-on-one with rules so bizarre I can't even begin to explain them - except to say that they were based loosely based on the conventions of the tap dancing world.

It was fun nonetheless, and littler e. won the match two games to one.

Then she played on the monkey bars while I worked on my latest Springsteen trilogy on the El Degas.

When we got home I realized that, like it or not, my daughter and I are now scabs.

Oh boy.

Update: Picketboy, whose on-the-line reportage and thoughtful analysis over the last couple of months really has been better than Ezra (or Global, or CanWest, or Corus, or just about anything else), says that it is going to be mediation for the nation (still non-binding though).....fingers crossing (very loosely)....


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