Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Was Rick Hillier Framed?


The whirlitzer wheezed to life late last night.

And by this morning the spin was in*.

Rick Hillier was probably, sorta, maybe kinda going to be replaced/ not renewed when his term ends in a few months because he dissed Gordon O'Connor awhile back.

But then I heard the unmistakeable sounds of sawing and hammering by the carpenters behind the curtain.

And that's when I realized that they were hard at work dismantling the old 'We are warriors!' frame and building a brand spanking shiny new 'We are nation builders!' frame** that could be mighty useful in any upcoming election campaign (especially if you knew you needed Quebec and the 905 belts of this country to win a majority this time out).

And, unfortunately for Mr. Hillier, while he fit the old frame he doesn't appear to easily fit into the new one.

*I knew it was a full-blown whirling dirvish when it showed up on the local sports station's so-called news this a.m.
**Leopard tanks not included, of course - reality is not what matters when you're pulling a Luntzian reversal.


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