It's the last Saturday morning in July.....
And I hope everyone is where they want to be already on this fine BC Day long weekend.
However, if you are/will be/or have been stuck-in a BC Ferries line-up, I feel for you.
But the folks I feel for most are the passengers that were stuck in the massive line-ups that started piling up last Tuesday.
Last Tuesday.
Which begs the question....If ticket prices are up and ridership is down, why exactly is this happening?
I wonder if all those instantaeously full ferries has anything to do with the ratcheting up of percentages per sailing that are held back for those suckers and/or folks that actually have to get somewhere on time who are willing to pay for the privilege of being held hostage to David Hahn's 'reservation' policy that is actually pretending to be something other than what it really is.
Which, of course, is nothing less than a $35 round-trip price increase.
At the dark end of the democratic street
40 minutes ago
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
Sorry Anon-Above.....
I do not like to exchange sausage links because, unfortunately, the possibility for unwanted microbial blooms is just too great.
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