....All Handcuffs On Deck!
A lot of folks in the British Columbia bloggodome that know way more about the nitty gritty of provincial politics than I do, and that includes people like Sean Holman, Bernard von Schulmannand Ian Reid, have been trying to make sense of Gordon Campbell's cabinet/ministry/building code shuffle that was announced a couple of days ago as the warm-up act to tonight's really Big Shooooo*.
And, truth be told, I think our good friend kootcoot might have come closest when he described it as a shuffling of the deck chairs on the Titanic before it even happened.
But then I thought about it a little more, especially in the wake of the bizarre bit of weirdness wherein John Les became the newly-minted champion of the HST.
And I was suddenly struck dumb with the realization that none of it actually has to make any sense at all from a policy and/or a 'getting things done' point of view (see: Bennett, Bill).
The one truest/truthiest purpose of all of them all was to give all of Mr. Campbells' minions (so-called) new-and-improved duties that will make it that much harder for them to jump ship if the thing really starts to go down when the recall campaigns begin in earnest.
In other words, maybe what the Premier really did here was to handcuff his crew to the railings of the S.S. Gordon Campbell so that he can now, starting tonight, place hisred-mittened hands firmly on the tiller and head straight for the icy-cool, ultra-whiteness of The Headband and The Teeth that are lurking just over the horizon.
All of which ignores the actual, real diamond-hard truth of the matter.
Which is that The Zalms and their friends are just the teeniest tip perched atop the British Columbia public's massive Angerberg....
This should be fun to watch.
Especially if and/or when the gnawing starts.
While I agree that "handcuffing" more of his caucus to the sinking ship is part of it, I think the most important part is the acceleration of selling off of the assets of British Columbians, before they are turfed. He is gonna hang on as long as possible and give away, privatize and generally exploit his position as much as possible while he can.
I think the most significant aspect of this "scuffle" is the merging of all resource oriented ministries into a "one stop shopping for permits" type discount store. The man who used to pretend to be greener than Kermit isn't even pretending to be concerned with the environment anymore - it is a fire sale for a going out of business LIEberal Criminal Organization and THEY MUST BE STOPPED by whatever means are necessary!
That's the way I see it too Koot...and he put the most important ministries in the hands of those who ask no questions, and don't care one whit about anything or anyone...but him, and themselves. The "Yes Men" will see that the last of what is left of BC is signed, sealed and delivered before they leave the building with a smile on their faces - knowing damn well there is nothing left for the next party to work with, and no future whatsoever for our grandchildren.
I hope they receive the Karma they deserve - 100 times over.
There is one thing that won`t happen tonight...
The HST referendum will not be moved up...
According to Ding Dong Jomg...
The first draft of the big question will "maybe" be available in 3 weeks ...
He went on to further say...Then the "big" question will be debated in the Spring session of the legislature...
If this is true...Especially the part about a spring session legislature gabfest.
The ways things are going the legislature might be legislated shut ..Only open in the odd years, or is it even years..
Where's a good Manchurian candidate when you need one? Does anybody happen to know one who is unemployed and available?
Secretary to Minister of state for the Natural Gas Initiative or some such position is being annointed on one Pat Pimm whose many years in the watch repair and real estate flip world while on Fort St John city council should qualify him for what he calls "marketing" BC's natural gas.In the past all that "marketing" has meant is a batch of unnecessary handouts to highly profitable natural gas producers. (Anyone up for an FOI on that file) And with the good Mr. Taylor of previous Alberta royalty "fixing" or non-fixing experience as it turns out in the chair to the right of the premier watch for more goodies to be offered to producers who will on cue threaten to shut down due to low comodity prices if........you guessed it..royalties aren't reduced. Or incentived or well... subsidized. But why when no real benefit to the province is realized as most of the jobs created are done by out of province workers. Anyway these giveaways are way bigger than anyone realizes and do we really want to follow Alberta's path and become more borke than we already are and be giving away our food cache at the same time. Low royalties have to be the source of some of Alberta's financial woes as how could they be in trouble otherwise??? Shouldn't they be rich with all that $80.00 oil and all the jobs that go with it? What went wrong Mr. Taylor??
I'm getting it now.
He's turning the province into one giant Walmart that only sells one thing.....
Extractable resources.
Thanks all.
And Stephanie, yours is one heckuva question...I've thought about it a lot myself in that half-dream state between wakefulness and sleep, which is not necessarily a good thing given that it almost always ends badly when my entire limbic system roars into life and induces the soaking sweats after the visions of Darth Vader finally and forever completely unleashed hit the deepest parts of the amygdala.
(and/or starts giving the go-ahead to the construction of 43-storey wood-framed condos that are fully approved by 'his guys')
Good catch everyone -
I can see it now.... Kinsella becomes the Walmart greeter - while, at the same time, working for Costco.
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