C. was heading out to do a workshop this morning so I got up reasonably early and took the Whackadoodle over to the slow runner's park for a bit of a play.
Well, actually, Rosie sniffed and gambolled at the feet of the (very) slow runners while I sat on a bench and played the guitar a little.
When we got home e. was already up because she and her friend Ch. were going for their own gambol over at the real runners' park (the cemetery on the other side of the Big Muddy St.).
'Why?' I asked.
'Because Ch. is trying out for Track,' littler e. said.
'Great! Does that mean you're trying out for track too?' I asked.
'No,' she said. 'It just means I'm going to get good in gym.'
We all laughed at that inside joke as they headed out the door with Rosie in tow.
All of which is just a way of letting you know that, despite the fact that it is only 9:30am on a Saturday, the Whackadoodle is already in need of a nap.
It should last about 3....
Maybe 4.....
Working on....The Lumineers' 'Dead Sea' (sans cello, etc.)... And a new original.
Why so little poli-blogging these days?...Just too busy at work to keep up with non-geek reading at the moment...
Speaking of which....Dave!
The Definition of Trumpism
45 minutes ago
Never met a dog I didn't like. Can't say the same about people.
Hard for me to disagree.
Weirdly, however, Rosie appears to favour people.
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