When you first start reading the latest report on the Lotuslandian LNG fantasy in the Financial Post by Claudia Catteneo it almost (but not quite) seems like the true reality of situation is starting to sink in:
...Asian customers have been demanding lower prices than they have been paying in their markets, while Canadian LNG backers have been looking for higher Asian prices to justify spending tens of billions on liquefaction facilities and pipelines. The standoff has made it difficult to nail down long-term contracts...
But then Big Rich Coleman starts to bloviate, and his words are stenoed-up without comment:
..."We believe the numbers are going to work," Coleman said
"They seem very comfortable with the return on investment, the actual resource (size) we are talking about in B.C., and the cost structure and the delivery structure, which are all important pieces for us and for them."...
And finally 'the province' gets to have its say, completely unchallenged.
...At least 10 LNG projects have been proposed for the north coast of British Columbia and three have received export licenses from the National Energy Board.
If five of the proposed facilities move forward, the cumulative gross domestic product benefit could add up to one $1 trillion by 2046, create more than 100,000 new jobs and new government revenue, the province says...
A trillion?
Isn't that the number that Princess Pammy pulled out of thin-air back in the days when she and the other Minions of Snooklandia were making things up hand-over-fist (e.g. during last spring's election campaign).
Why, yes, I believe it...
And as for that '2046' year business...Is that not a tip-off to what's really going down here?
For the Trump administration, “anti-DEI” means “Jim Crow”
23 minutes ago
When a few of the offshore bean counters(do they use beans over there) start to tally up their finding and development costs, even with the huge subsidies thrown out by the liberals, they will very likely re- think their strategy. The money spray as it has been going on cannot last. They will be asking why these costs have quadrupled under their management. Just ask around fort Nelson about how Encana is just a memory with a one room office. Anyone remember "Greater Sierra"? Anyone who believed the $Trillion lie deserves what they get.
Just like how BC Hydro was going to make tons of money selling IPP "green power" to California. Didn't work out.
2046???? Are these people crazy? 2046, by then the current crop of politicians will be dead and forgotten. We may have any number of other types of energy to use. LNG might just be considered a joke. By 2046 the earth maybe slightly over crowded and they won't be worried about LNG. They will be worried about clean water and earth to grow food on.
Nothing these lieberals have promoted or touched has made money. All their "projects" have cost money and the taxpayers just keep paying. The schools don't have enough money. The new hospital in Surrey is already over crowded and doesn't have enough staff to clean up the shit. There is still no new Children's Hospital and all the charities in B.C. will be canvassing for money for Christmas dinners for the "less fortunate". Well the time has come when the less fortunate are all those who aren't on the lieberal gravey train.
The lieberals need to start dealing with the problems of today and next month. Not pretending to be planning a $trillion in 2046. By 2046 it can only be hoped some of those lieberals will just be getting out of jail.
It is likely complete bullshite.
"the cumulative gross domestic product benefit could add up to one $1 trillion by 2046, create more than 100,000 new jobs "
I guess that would now be amended to read 99.150 jobs after you consider the 850 jobs Encana is cutting this morning, cuz even though Christy can make trillions of dollars passing gas (double entendre purposely passed) Encana cannot.!
The Campbell/Clark BC Liberals work for Harper. Harper prorogues Parliament. Christy prorogued Legislature. Their governments are very similar. Christy also lied about, the Enbridge pipeline.
Harper is bringing in foreigners, to train them for the oil patch. Harper also handed Communist China, 200 BC mining jobs.
Now I am listening to Harper's out and out blatantly lying in Parliament.
They say, even the worst criminal has one saving grace. Harper has none.
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