The Flummoxing, The First Part:
Hearing Moe Sihota on the Lotuslandian MoCo this morning saying that he thought the next BC NDP leader would be...
David Eby.
I guess if the Old Guard can't win the next best thing they can do, for them at least, is to become, presto-chango!, part of the new guard.
Or some such thing.
The Flummoxing, The Second Part:
Hearing Colin Hansen respond to Mr. Sihota's prediction.
As you might have expected, Mr. Hansen did not discuss Mr. Eby's suitability, or lack thereof, for the job.
Instead, the former Finance Minister immediately played that ol' Snooklandian canard card marked 'Politics of Destruction' when he noted that the BC Liberals would be very happy with Mr. Eby because they have a big 'file' on him.
When called out on the specifics of this wee bit of old timey (Joey, not Gracie) McCarthyism by fill-in morning man Stephen Quinn, Mr. Hansen sputtered something about not having the the 'file' right in front of him but that he knew that Mr. Eby had said some allegedly outrageous things as director of the BC Civil Liberties Association.
Interestingly, or perhaps tellingly, Mr. Hansen did not mention that Mr. Eby also said quite a few things president of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.
Here are a couple of reasons I think Eby might actually be good...The first...His demonstrated ability to mount a volunteer-based ground game...The second...His ability to simultaneously buck-up the troops and show no quarter while travelling a high road whose foundation is not soft.
As for the Snooklandian's 'file' on Mr. Eby...We can only wonder if it contains more bullshite like, say, all that 'he supports polygamy/hard-drugs/pornography!' stuff they pulled out of the hat marked 'out of context' during the Pt Grey Bye-Bye in 2011?...Interestingly, it didn't work then and, obviously, it didn't work in 2013.
You know, personally, I would actually be happy to have my taxes help pay for a PuffMaster Flashian early retirement/addition-by-subtraction condo in Florida if it meant we could have Mr. Quinn in the morning permanently....As for the afternoon?....Well...That Ms. Christiansen sure seems to know a thing or two...And, heckfire!, I think the Lotuslandian division of the MoCo could use a little more metal, regardless.
For the Trump administration, “anti-DEI” means “Jim Crow”
34 minutes ago
I guess Colin Hanson forgot that yesterday was the 10th Anniversary of the raid on the BC Legislature. It would have been good to hear his comments on that and explain why it was so good for the province. However being the Christmas season, maybe he realized we already have enough butter and sugar coating.
Speaking of sugar and butter and hydrocarbons...
The one thing that Mess'rs Sihota and Hansen did agree on was that LNG = Sparkle Ponies for Everyone!
AGT: "His Worship Derek Corrigan of Burnaby. So much for the interminable socialist label–this guy would make a terrific leader of the NDP and a very good premier…Burnaby is a pleasure to visit, the streets are clean people are generally happy, there is no green nonsense beyond what it necessary and business is booming. Corrigan is sensible, intelligent and committed. A lawyer by training, spend a few minutes talking to him, lawyer and politician are the last two things you’ll come away with. A first class guy, with a ton of grit and smarts–just like Burnaby and her people." -
Big city mayor runs for provincial leadership? We've seen this before from both sides.
I am hoping to be in charge of refreshments on the Eby leadership campaign. To my eye, there is no one better to lead the bcndp. I also hope the party is sensible enough to leave him in charge for the next for the next 25 years or so - no matter which way the election winds blow.
if he is electable, that would be great. Now as to collie handsomeless and his comments about a file on Eby...... well there are some in B.C. who have files on the leiberals. they just didn't get used in the last election. No new leader of the NDP will ever make the mistake of taking "the high road" again. simply listing all the messes the lieberals have gotten this province into might do it. In the meantime collie handsomeless ought to keep his mouth shut or someone might come up with a file on him.
Hi Ross
A big year end THANK YOU! for all your prolific posts here, links, eclectic sidebar (and bonus musical advent too). Also to the open and warm welcoming to all commenters that always add to the discussion.
A lot of energy and thought is poured into this site and it is greatly appreciated.
All the best, Happy New Year.
I second Bill's sentiments, I read Ross's posts regularly, don't always comment but his insight into the ongoing BC shenanigans is great. Love the sparkle ponies line and everytime clark opens her mouth and spouts her scripted tag lines and folksy cliches I have visions of unicorns dancing around her head. Happy 2014 and may it bring a scandal to ms photo op of epic proportions.
Thanks All--
And, of course, the fact that Mr. Beer 'N Hockey is even a potential candidate to be head of the Eby Beverage Brigade has already gone into the 'file'.
I think I know what damning stuff hansen's alluding to: David Ebby singing "We're Halfway There" at the NDP leadership convention.
my first choice is still Horgan but I've never heard him sing.....scotty on denman is on the money.....Joe Keithley for leader I say
I, too, would be very happy with Mr. Horgan who clearly stepped aside to make it possible for the new guard to rise up.
As for Joey the K...I reckon there is a cabinet post out there for him somewhere...And heckfire!, when he goes out on the road he'll probably just pile the minions in the Van and drive rather than renting out the McLean Family Airforce to the tune of hundreds of thousands.
I didn't hear the Sihota/Hansen duo yesterday so I appreciate reading your report on it. In fact, and this is further to your parenthetical note about the CBC, I've kind of given up on the puffmaster and tuned the radio to CBC Victoria of late...Just can't take Cluff's combination of softballs and bullshit as a steady diet any longer.
I might consider changing back to 690 though if Stephen Quinn (who has also had some interesting things to say of late in his Saturday bit in the Globe) were to get the morning assignment permanently - sending Cluff permanently to the golf course!
Happy New Year to you and yours. Be interested to hear your observations (if comments were permitted) on Michael Valpy's reprinted series at the Tyee.
Haven't read Mr. Valpy's series yet...Will do so and will try to comment.
Was a total fluke that I heard Mess'rs Hansen and Sihota on with Mr. Quinn yesterday....Only happened because I was lazy and left for work a bit late and thus absent-mindedly turned on radio just before leaving....Normally I, too, skip the Puffmaster at almost all costs.
If Mr. Quinn can't/doesn't want to do it...
Bring back Hal Wake!
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