Thursday, April 16, 2020

Canadian Media Are Not Immune To The Trumpeting Of The Stupid.



I don't give a hoot-in-heckfire about the 'debunking-by-an-expert' theme of a story like the one trumpeted above.


Because running a lede like the following below the header shown above only serves to legitimize complete codswallop such that it can later be used to germinate the seeds of the worst kind of behaviour (like, for example, this):

CALGARY -- An Alberta father, who was charged with the death of his toddler son for failing to seek professional medical care, says the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax, meant to bring on "fancy new vaccines."

David Stephan posted about his views on COVID-19 on social media, claiming facts and figures about the illness are 'falsely inflated.'

"I can't help but state it as I see it… a HOAX!!! A hoax that is being used to usher in a one-world government, with a digital currency and some fancy new vaccines that you will have the chance to experience, whether you like it or not," he wrote....


And please note that this story was not generated by an extremist site.

Instead, it is coming from a mainstream corporate media organization desperate for a click-gathering 'news' angle.

Personally, I believe that this kind of egregious behaviour has to stop.

Because rotting garbage is just that.

And rotting garbage should always be dismissed out of hand rather than de-odorized through debate.

I mean, just the fact that this 'news' organization decided to seek out an expert to provide a counter factual means that some folks of a certain bent will now see this as a matter of opinion rather than as a matter of actual, you know, fact.



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