Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Apres Moi, The Deluge (Of Marking)...


HellTerm 3000 is now officially over.

Except, of course, for the Mountains of Marking still left to conquer.


What is this thing called 'Christmas shopping' that everyone is talking about, exactly?

As for the title of the post...
While I was initially thinking of ol' King Louis of Paiement fame, I had forgotten that a sodden and by then almost gone Kerouac had used the same title in his final rant/essay against the hippy hippies, etc...



Keith said...

“What is this thing called 'Christmas shopping' that everyone is talking about, exactly?”

Late December nirvana for the euphoric shopaholic that keeps them going until Boxing day and the week thereafter.

Resurface in early January from the academic onslaught Ross and the retail horror will be behind us.

Danneau said...

Get the coffee pot on! Can readers send beans?

RossK said...

Good idea Keith...

A whole lotta coffee Danneau...Luckily, I have many, many beans already, but thanks!

Halfway through last undergraduate pile now...Still a bunch of gradual student essays to read though (although I like those ones!)...
