Saturday, June 01, 2024

Interstellar Resurrection Shuffle.


Voyager I, which was launched the year punk broke, passed by Neptune on its way out to deep space in 1989 (see above). 

It is now 15 billion years from home.

And last fall it was, essentially, dead.

But now it's back...

...Voyager 1’s plasma wave subsystem and magnetometer instrument are sending usable data. The team is still working on fixing the cosmic ray subsystem and low-energy charged particle instrument. This process could take weeks. “Kinda like when your power goes out and you have to go around your whole house resetting all your electronics,” the Voyager 1 team tweeted on X. “That's basically what my team and I are doing now.”...

If there's one thing that an interstellar spacecraft needs to get working it's its 'cosmic ray subsystem' mojo.


And we're talking
about the first time punk broke here, 1977...It was also the year of the Woz' non-HAL9000 Apple II release and the year that your humble blogger graduated from high school.
Earworm in the header?....This!
And, just to be clear,  from a two-bit, tin-plated wordsmith POV, I will always jump at the chance to use the alliterative headscratcher "it's its" in a grammatically correct(ish) way that Mrs. Griffiths would be proud of...



e.a.f. said...

1977, that truly was a long time ago! Went to the play list and OMG, that takes me back. They sounded just like they did back in the day, well they are playing back in the day. Saw some other groups on the side play list and yes, that music still works for me. What was funny was seeing how the people dressed. Now that we are in 2024, some of those same fashions are being seen again.

Voyager I, even remember that. Guess the brain is still functional, 15 billion years away?? When we look back on that time, it truly was amazing these "things" were sent into space to check out what was going on. While the space exploration is still going on we are still going to war with each other at great expense. wonder if that will ever end?

Ah, the 70s, it truly was a lot of fun and the best thing was you get by with a couple of hours of sleep. Used to be able to leave the office at 4:00 p.m. in Vancouver and be in bar drinking with friends by 10 p.m. on a Friday night. Ah, those were the days. Oh, right that is also the name of a song.

Thanks for the reminders, sure made me laugh.

RossK said...


And, of course, you also had to stop at the bank immediately after you left the office to see a teller to get the cash to pay for all that elbow bending at the bar that night!


e.a.f. said...

Went to the bank at lunch time.
Come to think of it, there weren't traffic jams getting to Hope. That saved a lot of time. Hope Princeton at night, usually no traffic.

Dr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Boss song choice. Hope I can find it in my pile of compilations so I can give it a spin or two.

GarFish said...

Very leisurely firmware debugging, light work (pun intended)

RossK said...


Recently, the morning after a science geek grant bashing session I had to drive up to the OK recently for something that started at 9am...So I left at 4am...It was the most glorious congestion-free drive all the way to Merritt that I've had in a long, long time.


Ya - it was actually better than I remembered it


Even putting a wee dent in the first light 'year' (i.e. 15 billion/5.88 trillion miles = 0.26%).

Which, if you really think about, it tells you how far away the nearest non-sun stars are.
