Friday, June 07, 2024

The 'Common Sense' Vaccine Nihilism Of The British Columbia Conservative Party


Last week we noted the following post-millennial quote from Paul Parkman, co-inventor of the Rubella vaccine way back in the ancient times (i.e. the late 1960's):

...“As I look back on my career, I have come to think that perhaps I was involved in the easy part (i.e. developing a safe, effective vaccine)"...


...“It will be for others to take on the difficult task of maintaining the protections that we struggled to achieve. We must prevent the spread of this vaccine nihilism, for if it were to prevail, our successes could be lost.”...


One of the keys to the modern medical miracles of debilitating disease and death prevention is population-wide childhood vaccination.

To wit, the population-wide uptake of the rubella vaccines that wiped out the birth defects that are caused by the virus and its by-products:

...Maternal rubella during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, fetal death or congenital rubella syndrome...


...Before the rubella vaccine was licensed in the United States in 1969, rubella was a common disease that occurred primarily among young children. However, rubella was eliminated from the United States in 2004. Since elimination, fewer than 10 cases have been reported annually in the United States, and most cases were imported from outside the country...


What are the population-based (measles, mumps and) rubella early childhood vaccination rates in the U.S. that have achieved this medical miracle?

Percent of children vaccinated by age 24 months against measles, mumps, rubella (1 dose or more): 90.8% (birth year 2016)

And in Canada it was 91.5% in 2021.

However, there are now concerns about falling rates for childhood vaccination, post-pandemic.

Of course, a considerable portion of that drop was caused by the interruption of normal vaccination schedules that occurred because of the pandemic itself. However, there is some evidence that COVID-19 vaccine nihilists are also drivers of long lasting parental increases in jab hesitancy against childhood diseases.

Personally, here in Lotusland, I am of the opinion that a sub-group of these drivers of long-tailed jab hesitancy against childhood diseases is made up of those who continue to rail against the provincial supreme court-approved COVID-19 vaccination mandate for health care workers. And that includes the braintrust behind the (close-to) front-running Conservative Party of British Columbia.

The following is from said party's 'Common Sense Plan' that is available for voter scrutiny on its website under the sub-heading of 'Culture and Freedom':

...While medically-approved inoculation should be encouraged, and vaccines offered to all British Columbians, individuals should not be mandated or coerced into receiving any medical treatment against their will, and fired government employees (including nurses) should be hired back immediately...

Note the 'any medical treatment' widener in the railing and the bleating, above.

And, further note that the leader of the political party concerned went even farther and wider afield in an interview with the Globe and Mail recently:

...(Conservative Party of BC leader) Mr. (John) Rustad said a group of medical professionals recently told him the closest analogue to B.C.’s healthcare system is that of a totalitarian dictatorship across the Pacific.

“I’m told that there’s only one jurisdiction that even comes close to following what we do and that’s North Korea – and it’s not exactly a stellar model, from my perspective, of success in health care,” said Mr. Rustad, who added that his government would immediately fire Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry over her support for COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Mr. Rustad refused to identify the group of medical professionals that provided this analysis...

Say, what?

The good Mr. Rustad is refusing to show his work, and/or identify those who did the work for him?

Imagine that!

Image at the top of the post
is from a paper by Macey et al., published  in the Journal of Infectious Diseases in 2011.
Tip O' The Toque to reader GarFish for the heads-up re: the BC Con Party platform nihilism...
Regarding that group of 'medical professionals' that is 'telling' the good Mr. Rustad that our provincial healthcare system is closest to that of North Korea?...We've got a line on that thanks to a tip from another reader...Stay tuned.
And while we don't have mandates for childhood vaccinations in British Columbia, they are in place in Ontario which means, I guess, that, according to Mr. Rustad, Parry Sound is the new Pyongyang.



Graham said...

Nothing but bunk and baloney from rustad. That he would or couldn’t back up his assertion is laughable and good reason to have called him out on it right there and then.
I know there was one poll by pollster Pantazopolous that said the ndp and crazy cons were in a statistical dead heat but the methods and sample size for that poll were questionable.
This one might make you feel a bit better-
It doesn’t take away from the fact that we need to be vigilant and get the flapjack out and vote any chance we get.

RossK said...

Thanks for the link to that poll Graham - it does make me feel a little better...But...'The Bleating' has only just begun...If you dare go to the BCCon 'platform' page, you will see that they have all kinds of politically expedient culture crap all queued up and ready to go.


Chuckstraight said...

I,ve had enough of Conservatives forever.
Are people actually stupid enough to vote for the Trumps, Pollievres, Rustads of this world?

Graham said...

Oh yeah, I have no doubt that the rustad cons have all sorts of stuff to clog the airwaves and keep other parties off balance.
It’s what smith does next door in AB, it’s what pp is doing, it’s what trump has done throughout. It takes a lot of work to counter it and they know that, that’s part of the plan. I’m hoping that rustad proves to be too much for most people and they find that out after he gets into full on election mode. He’s kind of a cross between smith, pp, and that parker fella that backs smith. Usually when parker talks it’s a lot of off the wall stuff, it’s all very dire, someone or something is going to get canceled. There is no positive.
These people have a lot of grievances and they intend to try and right every one of them. The world moving forward, towards better and brighter and, most annoyingly, more inclusive, is just too much to bear for them.
Todays conservatives are yesterday’s party, led by yesterday’s men, trying to make it yesterday again.

Graham said...

I’m with you Chuck, I too am beyond sick and tired of these poor dears and their trials and tribulations. Life is so hard for them.
smith next door in AB really grates, de Santis and Abbott in Florida and Texas are just too much and over the top, peterson and musk make me ill, one after another donkeys in the UK, ill intended cons sprouting up across Europe. All of them afraid of the future, all of them trying to stop the progress of the people, all of them pointing at “others” for the cause of our ills.
Never has it been more important for us to be aware and educated on what is happening both near and far. We in Canada are very lucky but that could be ruined by those who don’t like that fact and don’t like what Canada actually is.
Get out and vote everyone, in any and all elections.

Chuckstraight said...

Thank you Graham.
I,m one of these old timers that read Harrowsmith, Mother Earth news, etc, and had hope for the future. The world in my view should be moving to local sustainable methods of growing food locally, with more of a local economy that doesn’t require gallons of fossil fuels to bring it to me, before I drop it off at the local landfill at bin #3.
Was at bin # 3 yesterday, and a Quick Look tells quite a story.
I don’t hear any Conservatives talking about any of these issues. They truly are pathetic, and to go somewhere that doesn’t and won’t exist.

Evil Eye said...

Polio, let us talk about Polio. You remember?

I am fast approaching my 69th year on this mortal coil and my memory, not yet dimmed by dementia, remembers the boys and girls in leg braces because of Polio. That awkward gait and the look of utter shame on the faces of those afflicted. I remember a boy, in Richmond, being pushed in a decrepit wheelchair to school in 1961.

I remember the information movies we watched with ones on public health, ending in the wheezing Klunk-Klank of the Iron Lung. I still have nightmares!

But the little unwashed, in grade 1 need not fear because we were immunized.

Sadly there were no "shots for Mumps, Chicken-pox, measles and a few other dreaded diseases and by the grace of god, I and many other survived. But.....
a few did not and a chance meeting with a fellow student at the little school (now gone) I went listed the deaths or unhappy medical events of the not so many compatriots in grades one and two.

I place anti-taxers in the know-nothings category, ignorant and feeble minded.

Anti-vaxers are borne of religious stupidity, combined with ignorance from a lack of education, especially from religious schools.

A group of medical professionals? Well, does that include physic healers and other quack medical wannabes? This is the oldest dodge, citing a "group of experts/professionals/qualified (take your choice)" to promote your beliefs.

What Rustad is a MAGA Lite sort of chap, whose politics are better suited South of the 49th, but we have enough og the uninformed, ill-informed, nutter, anti-science, types to give him a shot of being Premier.

The problem in BC is I find both Eby and Rustad toxic (I can only send a letter to Eby via a provincial Barrister) because Eby is afraid someone may actually investigate the premier's office and transit decisions, but I digress.

Someone should investigate Rustad's professionals and to see if they are the same no-nothings that tend to get airtime on the local media and that is about it!

Trailblazer said...

Off subject , are you aware that the Provincial Conservatives are phone canvasing via Timber West offices?
This I believe is contrary to the BC elections act?


e.a.f. said...

Canvassing via Timber West offices? If that can be confirmed that would be fun. As I recall Timber West, the B.C. Lieberals, all had some interesting times and Harper changing some tax law to accomodate Timber West. Well I'm sure they and Rustad will get along well if Rustad would be elected and become Premier. Lets not forget about 80%% of all private land on Vancouver Island is owned by Timber West and who says romance is dead.
Guess using their offices is part of the "courting ritual". wonder which one will screw the other first.
Runny Mouth must be as dumb as they come. Advertising he is going to fire Dr. Bonnie Henry, if he is elected, should ensure the doctor receives a nice settlement when he does fire her.
The guy obviously is trying to appeal to the same pile of dumb shits PP is. Not having health care workers vaccinated is plain stupid. We go to hospitals because we are unwell, needing surgery, heart transplants, etc. if we risk being exposed to diseases which could kill us that would not be cool. Yes, lets see how that does in court. Nice class action law suit.
If people don't want to be vaccinated that's fine. Its their right not to be vaccinated. It is my right not to be infected by them and perhaps die. If we have another disease which kills like COVID and there is a vaccine which people refuse to take, then they ought to be confined to their homes Kids need to have their shots so they don't infect others. Don't want your kid to have vaccines, fine. Kid won't be going to school. This is a case of whose rights take priority and what is the greater harm to society.

Polio, oh I remember that one. First day of school at Cook School in Richmond, there we all were with our Moms and so was one other child (grade one). Their Father had died of polio and their Mother was confined to a wheelchair for life. 1955. I've always been keen to have my vaccinations.
Some don't want vaccinations because they believe the junk they read or listen to. Some don't want the government to tell them what to do. Its beyond me. Humans for centuries have been exposed to pain, misery, death because medicine had no cure or preventative measures. small pox killed thousands of Indigenous People. If you go into old grave yards you'll see how many young people are buried there. Many of them died of things which today very few become ill with.
Oh, well if Runny Mouth is elected and goes ahead with his plans and children die wonder what he will have to say then.

Graham said...

Here’s one way to handle the nihilsts.

RossK said...


