Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My Morning Ride.


The image above was taken at 25th and Oak in Central Lotusland this morning, Sept 10, 2024.

And you thought we were done with him and his?


BC United says it will run a select number of candidates in the Oct. 19 election after suspending its province-wide campaign to support the B.C. Conservative Party.

The number of candidates and their names or ridings have not yet been announced.

The move is intended to ensure BC United remains a registered political party with Elections B.C., executive director Lindsay Cote said in a letter to members on Friday.

On Aug. 28, BC United Leader Kevin Falcon suspended the ­party’s campaign and released his candidates; many of them learned about the decision from the media.

The “gut-wrenching” decision was made to defeat the NDP and secure “a free-enterprise ­victory” in the provincial ­election, said Cote, adding the move did not “fold our party or erase our organization.”

By running some candidates, BC United will later be able to have a thorough discussion with its membership about the future of the party, she said. “If there is a desire within our membership to rebuild the party, and a plausible path to do so, we want to be in a position to act on this,” said Cote...

The pull quote, above, is the lede from a story by Cindy Harnett, who has been doing good work following the twists and turns of the Soccer Party's recent machinations, in last Saturday's Times-Colonist.
Of course, Marky Mark thinks this is all a conspiracy to keep the true and good liberals of British Columbia (i.e. those who willingly got into bed with the Campbelleros and jumped at the chance to be a  part of Clarklandia for fifteen years straight) down ...Or some such thing.
Earworm in the sub-header?...This.



GarFish said...

Throw The Third Switch!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WTF! The bird hasn't a clue that the public hate him and his Gordon Campbell/MAGA clone party?

"Have you had enough" Falcon is a bird whose time is long past and is nothing more than a "cooked goose".

Chuckstraight said...

More candidates the better. FPTP works very well with a vote split.

RossK said...


Wouldn't that be the fourth switch (at least)?


I suspect that Mr. Falcon has made a deal that will take him out the fire and into the gravy(train)...The real question is - Will those who made the deal actually honour it?



Damn straight!

(as usual)


Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate for the Socred, B.C. Lieberals, B.C. United that Grace McCarthy is no longer amongst us. She did a wonderful job of rebuilding the Socreds. Too bad she handed the party to mini WAC. Gordon Campbell, el gordo, stabbed Gordon Wilson and he is gone from politics.
Give the track record of the party is doubtful any one is going to be too interested in devoting a lot of time and energy to rebuilding the party of many names because there is a good chance some one will dump them and hand the party to some one else. As the saying goes, "if some one tells you who they are, believe them".
What Falcon and Rustad have done is undemocratic. Never have been fond of the 3 name party, but many in this province were. They were certainly elected enough. Now those people no longer have a place to park their vote. They have been robbed of their choice of government. The Conservatives led by Rustad are not the 3 name party. They have very different policies in some areas and some of those 3 name party voters will not vote for the NDP or Greens.
We have entered a new phase, well actually old, where you are not voting for something but against something and that doesn't always turn out well.
As much as I disliked Harper and the party during those days they did represent a large number of Canadians. Some advocated their elimination, However, doing so violates the game rules of democracy.
Yes, I'm sure Christy and Co would love to have another wack at all of that money and perceived power. She and her ex. need to understand, their time has passed. there are a whole new group of voters and we don't know what exactly they want or need. Every citizen has a right to have a party to vote for or something close to it. One or two people deciding which parties people can vote for is not democracy. We don't need the number of parties some countries have, but having at least 3 viable parties is much better than two. never have like the 3 name party, never voted for them, never wanted them in office, but people had the right to choose if they wanted them as government.
My knowledge of politics started when WAC expropriated B.C. Electric and turned it into B.C. Hydro. There has been a lot of misery in this province since. Child poverty, enviornmental destruction, some individuals being more favoured than others. There were all sorts of allegations back in the day about road building--all those new highway. O.K. I eaves dropped on the adults and found it fasenting.
any how time to get ready for the "big show" tonight.

GarFish said...


Lew Edwardson said...

Cover the bottom right of that poster with a “CFAX1070” sticker and you’ve got an ad for a new gig.

RossK said...

Anon-Above said...

"...One or two people deciding which parties people can vote for is not democracy..."

Hard to argue with that. However, it was a pretty small group of super-fine people who breech-birthed the Campbellero version of Soccer Party in the first place.



In going back to brush up on what happened to Gordon Wilson's Soccer party, I relearned about all the tangential switches that were thrown in the early-to-mid '90's as the Socred brand went down and the Reformerista's emerged followed later by the emergence of the PDA after the money men with a taste for railway ties backed the Campbellero takeover of the Soccer party.


Lew - hadn't heard about that. Is it for real?


Lew Edwardson said...

No. Feeble attempt at a joke.

RossK said...

Got it!

Thanks Lew...Truth be told, for a at least a minute or ten I was looking forward to the reaction of a certain cynically cretinous morning man when he was told that the Birdman was taking over his time slot.
