Sunday, October 27, 2024

On A Sunday Morning Sidewalk...


A few notes for this weepy Sunday morning coming down...

Data guy, whose work I miss in the Vancouver Sun, Chad Skelton, has been tracking the rate of change in the close ridings in the BC Election so far. He presents a cogent case that none of the ridings where the NDP has a slight lead will flip Con. Conversely, he does think that Surrey Guildford, but not Kelowna Centre will change from blue to red....4.5 Stars.

Speaking of the Vancouver Sun....Vaughn Palmer blames Sonia Furstenau for sticking by her principles and not playing footsie with John Rustad because, apparently, it will prevent her from gaining leverage over David Eby. What's worse, the Dean of the Legislative Press Gallery, with an assist from current BC Conservative supporter Andrew Weaver, blames Furstenau, who was not the leader at the time, for doing the same thing in 2017.... 0.5 Stars.

It's very difficult for anyone who has been following election updates, even official Elections BC updates, on social media feeds not to notice that the whackaloons are already starting to bleat about voting machines, unreasonable delays, phone-assisted voting,  'late' votes and Brinks trucks, et cetera....Negative Eleventy Billion Stars.

 at the top of the post?...This!
Want more on Mr. Kristofferson, including the genesis for his biggest hit?...This.
And why not just call the post the title of the song?....Because, Driftglass.



Evil Eye said...

With the Greens two seats and Fursteneau's electoral blunders, the best course is not to play footsie with anyone until their are firm numbers in the Leg.

Any complaints about voting machines, etc. is pure MAGA ooze from down south and any politician who complains should be viewed with contempt.

nvg said...

Wouldn't it be 'neat' if the candidates to be a Member of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly were required NOT to be affiliated with any party. No voting along party lines. Not being told by a grumpy old person to vote (against your wishes)

Trailblazer said...

I have to agree with your views on Fursteneau's blunders, after her years as an MLA she still has no political savvy , only nice words!
Vaughn Palmer is but a shill for the right wing carbon moguls.
An NDP , Green collaboration has at least one problem a problem that put the Cons on the map; Drugs!
Like Eby , Sonia is soft on drugs.
Throwing more taxpayers money to treatment and feel good 'treat them with respect' policies without providing the firm hand of forced treatment and after care is bound to fail.
I know one person that was 'sent' to a private rehabilitation centre here on Vancouver Island who had multiple addictions. That person is now lives, thankfully, a normal life.
Fursteneu's girl guide and Eby's boy scout approach has had it's day, time to move on and create something new.

Trailblazer said...

That would entail voting for an MLA plus one?