Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Saved By The Francophone Canadian Bell!



It would appear that, according to her press release at least, Christy Clark's lousy french is a major reason that she has decided not to run for the leadership of the Canadian Liberal Party:

...While we have come a long way, in a short time, there is simply not enough time to mount asuccessful campaign and for me to effectively connect with Francophone Canadians in their
language. I have worked hard at improving my French but it’s not where it needs to be, today...

Ignoring that use of the collective noun for the moment, one can only wonder if, perhaps, all that time Ms. Clark spent working hard might have been more effective if she had actually spent it Francophone Canada rather than, you know, France:

However, fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your point of view), Ms. Clark has also assured us that this press release is  not a 'you won't have Nixon....errrr...Clark to kick around anymore' kind of a statement because:

..Friends, I will continue to fight for Liberal candidates and am deeply thankful for the outpouring of support I have received from the grassroots over the past week.

We will meet again...

Oh boy.

Of course,
as we have noted before, last summer was not the first time that Ms. Clark worked hard on something that may or may have not been learning french while in France.
All snark aside, if Ms. Clark were to run for the Fed Libs in the next election, is there any riding in Lotusland, Coastal Division, that she could actually win?



Dr. Beer N. Hockey said...

"All snark aside" is the funniest thing I have read in maybe years. She could not win Douglas Island if she moved there.

Evil Eye said...

Ms. Clark, one of BC's disgraced Trumpian X-Premier, pulled the plug.

Despite the Conservative supporters pulling a con that she was indeed a Liberal, those in the know knew that she was a pure opportunists and grifter.

The real story may not emerge, it wasn't the lack of French that caused her demise, it was the lack of funding. A lot of "old-time" Liberals were busy working the phones til the wee hours, calling in markers to deny the Queen of sleaze money. No money, no run for Prime Minister.


Canadian politics at its best!

Chuckstraight said...

Clark could win many ridings if she ran as a Conservative.

GarFish said...

She did not know what vérité and demi-vérité meant?

Lew Edwardson said...

Yes. As Rafe used to say, a fence post with hair could win in many safe ridings.
That’s more a comment on the electorate than the candidate.

Grant G said...

Canada Sends CRUSHING NEWS to Trump BEFORE Inauguration

Meidas Touch


Grant G said...

Alberta is leaderless.....A bootlicker leads the province.

Meidas touch

Canada Leaders Issues FINAL URGENT WARNING to Trump


Grant G said...

More on Canadian traitor Danielle Smith...

Danielle Smith Is Failing Canada


Grant G said...

A very good video on Canada oil exports to the USA....Trump is fucked.

Canada to Cut Oil Exports to the US in Retaliation for Trump’s Tariffs: Tit-for-Tat or Bullying?


Grant G said...

A fascinating ex'pose on Russia's imminent financial collapse...

"Russia's Banking Crisis Will Destroy Everything"


Grant G said...

Speaking of leaders.....Charlie Angus on Meidas touch(again)

"Canada MP goes SCORCHED EARTH on Trump"


Grant G said...

Here comes the tariffs...


Grant G said...


"immigrants were getting swept up while refueling their trucks or picking up some breakfast before starting their day, 25% of citrus workers stayed home from work. The day after, 75% stayed home. The raids have "sent shockwaves through the entire community," Creamer said. "People aren't going to work and kids aren't going to school," mirroring mass school absences following past workplace raids in states like Mississippi, New Mexico, and Tennessee. "Throughout the raids, Border Patrol appeared to be profiling farm workers," United Farm Workers said. "These raids have resulted in dozens of arrests of hardworking people, including UFW union members." The labor union called the enforcement actions "a troubling preview of what we expect our communities to endure over the next 4 years."