The first hand of the 'game':
“Don’t tell us what we’re going to feel,” he (Trump) said, raising his voice. “You’re not in a good position. You don’t have the cards right now.”“I’m not playing cards,” Mr. Zelensky replied. “I’m very serious, Mr. President. I’m the president in a war.”
"...Canada are tough traders and I want to tell you, they are tough traders (Trump said). They trade very top. You know, the expression I use is some people don’t have the cards. I use that expression of the week and a half ago, right? Somebody was negotiating the didn’t have the cards now I think is saying he wants to do it. I think we will have a big deal on that very special something and we have to do a deal on that..."
I'm honestly not sure that the good Mr. Trump realizes that, just like Mr. Zelensky, we too are not playing cards.
And, yes, I see all that word salad in quote number 2 and I raise you eleventy billion on it becoming significantly more pronounced by Good Friday...
All the world is a game, according to the Mango Mussolini and he thinks he has all the cards, including a few aces up is sleeve to trump any play.
Sorry, though one needs to be a good poker player in international politics, Trump fails badly simply because the game is not played by his rules.
As I type this some very basic international gamesmanship is being played by Russia, Israel, China and Iran, yet the imbecilic Trump counters by cheating at golf to proclaim himself a champion.
And not to offend those of a Canadian Conservative ilk, the "Wee P" has also been dealt out of an easy win and was far too slow to deal himself a winning hand. His "axe the tax" was dealt out of the game by the wily Carney, when he changed the rules of the game and axed the tax himself.
The next few weeks will go down in history as pivotal as Europe gears up for a Russian Invasion, Israel covets Gaza and China readies to snatch Taiwan.
Canada is not so secretly rearming and time is not on our side and all this because Trump played his cards for all to see and sadly it is now seen as a bluff, as the once might USA drifts back to being a xenophobic backwater, where racism and poverty is endemic in once was the richest country in the world.
We are now living in a new world, with a new game, with new cards and Trump holds nothing.
Happy Friday....My 90 yr old plus mom says hello to everyone.....She's so damn tough...She gives me strength..
Ship of fools(insert smiley emoji)
you could be on to something there.
Your Mom is 90 plus! She is tough! o.k. most 90 yrs old are tough. I'd put money on it she is tougher than Trump and has better cards to play and knows how to play them.
When Trump used the phras, just laughed. Poor old Trump trying. to play a tough guy. He is a big wind bag with an over whelming sense of superiority. Lets be real, Granddaddy was a pimp/bordello owner and sold liquor; Daddy was a racist who was caught being unwilling to rent to people of colour and screwed his brother out of money
The line Trump used isn't an expression Presidents of the U.S.A. and other civilized countries use in public. They actually don't negotiate on t.v. either.
Trump most likely didn't think President Zelensky knew enough english to respond in the manner he did. Trump can play cards all he wants but Canada isn't playing cards. We're playing for keeps and its for our country, our Constitution, our freedom, our heritage, and our way of lifee.
Greeley has a population of 108K and 10K came to the Saunder/A.O.C. rally. Denver's rally was attended by approx 30K to 34K.
Once people run out of money and they start to loose their vehicles, homes and look for food, things are going to get very ugly.
In March 2025 Veterans unemployment grew to 4%. In 2023 it was 2%. More firings are coming. Its never smart to upset a large number of trained military Veterans in a country which has more guns than people.
Agree with all of this. Even the Canadian Navy is test driving French nuclear sous-marins in the Arctic. We live in interesting times.
Canadians hear Trump's threats, hear his insults and blatant lies toward our nation and Canadians have also heard Paul Poilievre over the last few years, and the similarity can't be denied..
PP had a lock on a majority, until Trump attacked Canada and now he's done....
Many Bloc voters are moving to the Liberals, at least temporarily, these are Canada unity voters..
Singh couldn't fire up the NDP party, so there too, many scared proud Canadian traditional NDP voters who, at least temporarily will be voting for the Carney Liberals.
Also, when the polls(before Trump assaulted Canada) had the Trudeau Libs down at about 20% support...Paul Poilievre was cruising to victory...However, once again, because of Trump the Federal Liberal voters have come back to the fold...They too realized the Trump/Maga/Elon Musk endorsed Paul Poilievre Conservative Party was to big of a risk.
Carney was the perfect replacement for Justin Trudeau(perceptually)....And Justin Trudeau helped the Liberal Party cause by not whining about stepping down and delivering a few blazing nationalistic speeches that received a lot of play in Canada and around the world(after he stepped down)
Those Trudeau speeches, warning of Trump's actions and threats to Canada helped bring all the traditional Federal Liberal voters back to the party.
So, the Federal Liberal have all their traditional voters back, their scooping up a sizeable chunk of NDP voters, adding Bloc voters, and even adding centrist Conservative votes to the Liberal Party.
Add it all up and it's a Marc Carney Majority Liberal government.
Bank it.
Below, two worthwhile videos to watch.
Why Trump's Aggression Towards Canada Is "A Moral Outrage"
Steve Schmidt
And not to be outdone..
Meidas Touch latest video
And if everyone, everywhere, all at once were to stop buying F-35's, fearing the kill switch reaper (and/or sudden, arbitrary parts or upgrade halts), well...
Be careful with the good Mr. Schmidt as he is clearly a never Trump media grifter who will very likely jump into the nearest Republican rehabilitation life boat as soon as he gets the signal that it is safe to do so.
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