Saturday, March 15, 2025

Go Read Jody Paterson's Latest Right Now...


She's got an idea about how to move things forward regarding the toxic drug epidemic.

And it's a good one.



Evil Eye said...

The drug issue is one of government hubris as money for the mentally ill or the addicted just do not buy votes.

In my little burgh, several of the real estate types got their start-up money dealing drugs and going to high school with them I do know who has been naughty or nice.

We live in an age where money is the great god and no one really wants to know how that money was made.

Just down the street, lives one of Rifel families, who got their inheritance in part, from rum running to the USA in the 30's! But don't ever mention that within ear shot.

The drug industry encompasses sports teams, developers, real estate moguls, restaurants and more. The drug industry is woven within our politcal scene like fine silk and its is big money, cash money.

Years ago a friend need money and I had just come back from one of my European excursions and was tapped out, he later borrowed from a local type (went to high school with him), but the interest on the loan was such he ended up selling the stuff and later became addicted and he eventually OD'd.

Right now I can tell you which politicos are under the thumb of the dealers and if elected they soon forget about "dealing with the problem".

When it comes to drugs, the government always has its crying towel ready, but in the end they do little or nothing.

The real drug dealers, the ones that bankroll the operations, are so far up the politcal food chain they are almost untouchable.

Anonymous said...

^^Thoughtful, insightful comment with which I concur^^. Were it not for the corruption, we could try re-forming the police at Ports Canada.

Evil Eye said...

There is a lot more i could say about the illegal drug trade, but I only have a few years to left on this mortal coil and those who tell tales, soon depart these lands.

In my little burgh, lives one of BC's major drug dealers, but the family is so far up the political food chain that the family is untouchable.

What I do know is the politcans kow-tow to him and those who cross the family end up paying some penalty, mainly politically orchestrated.

Until this modern day gangsterism stops and the police actually gets a grip on the situation, nothing will change.

Here is a hint and it pertains to all politicians. Just watch who attends premier sporting evens as guests; who plays in charitable sporting events such as golf, free of charge; and attends major charitable "black tie" events.

Nothing like using charities as a cover for major malfeasance as it is just uncouth to ask mas a major scandal would mean hardship to the little kiddies, etc.

I have always maintained, BC has the best politcans that money can buy!