Monday, March 17, 2025

My Morning Ride...Spring Is Springing.


Forget all that Christmas stuff.


This really is the most wonderful time of the year.

And, besides, we're on our way to summer!

That's an old saying between me and Bigger E as first exemplified by the wit and wisdom of Mike Watt, as in: "There are gigs and there are flyers and everything that aint a gig, that’s a flyer to get people to the gig."...



e.a.f. said...

checked the picture again. those are little pink flowers on trees and that means, yes spring in Vancouver. In Nanaimo it hailed this afternoon and would have removed all those lovely little flowers

Graham said...

e.a.f., we have the same blossoms outside our apt window and on many of the blocks near us the crocuses are out in full. Since for over a week or two now. As it’s been frosty at night I’m a little surprised but it’s been very mild during the day. My mom who is big on flowers and messes around with them a lot says crocuses are dumb and we shouldn’t go by what they do. 😂
Every fall when my ski patrol starts training and getting ready for the season I think “oh boy, it’s going to be a long time ‘till spring” and every spring I say “Wow, the winter seemed to go by so fast”