Wednesday, April 01, 2020

The Best Premier We Never Had.


What with all the craziness we are all dealing with at the moment, I didn't want to let this important announcement, from a few weeks ago, pass by unnoticed around here:

Ms. James will be most definitely be missed, but never forgotten.

Why didn't Ms. James win the election when she cleaned-up in the 2009 debates?...Personally, I trace it back to the usual suspects convincing the herd to take the bait and fire up the wurlitzer  that muddied all the waters such that they could then convince a good chunk of the electorate, as well as whole whack of smart people who should have known better, that it was the good Mr. Campbell who was the real environmentalist.



  1. Indeed, although the last month may show that it's a two-way tie with one Adrian Dix.

    Having said that, I think the two of them have shown that leadership means being a leader even when you aren't the head honcho.

  2. Anon Above--

    Very much agree with your AD assessement.

    They are clearly 1 and 1A in my books as well..

