Georgia Straight (Charlie Smith).....Unequivocally James.
Globe and Mail (Justine Hunter)....No Clear Winner.
CBC (Unbylined, again)....Don't choose, but description leans James.
Ipsos Reid, through VSun....Decision James, loss for Campbell on negatives.
VSun (Jonathan Fowlie)....Straight she said/he said/she said, both during and after debate.
Bloggodome/VT-C (PaulWillcocks)....James by TKO
Bloggodome/24Hours (Bill Tieleman).....James better than Marciano, Clay, Ali, Leonard, Hagler, all rolled into one (oh, and maybe Tommy Douglas too)
GazetteerReaders (Smart People)....All James, All The Time.
And finally, the following, thanks to BC Mary reader "small fish", which is a great round-up of the post-debate 'lectronic media commentators comments (some of whom I'm sure will weigh in later this morning/today in print):
Leaders Debate: The verdict? A knockout victory for Carole James
"She was the clear winner."
- Michael Smyth, CKNW Radio after the debate
"I'd give better marks to James than to anybody else."
"She was more focused...I thought the thing she did where she threw questions to the Premier, questions he didn't answer...I thought that was effective.
"Sometimes he answered her questions; sometimes he did that rambling thing that he's known for.
"It was like Question Period...James asking questions and Campbell ducking and not answering."
- Columnist Vaughn Palmer on Global TV after the debate.
"[Carole James] seemed more in control of the agenda than the other leaders ...
Gordon Campbell really did not answer a lot of the questions."
- Keith Baldrey on Global TV after the debate.
"It is fair to note the Carole James was consistently on the attack. She attacked Premier Campbell on seniors care, on the minimum wage, on BC Rail, she came pointing questions to him. She had short sharp pointed questions to the Premier...
"There was one point though where there was a noticeable groan in the media room, Carole James asked the Premier a question and the Premier turned to James and said I know this is a big job and it's tough to get a handle on it. It came across to us as being patronizing."
- Reporter Jim Beatty, CTV News
"Campbell ignored two attempts by James to raise the issue of the 2003 sale of BC Rail operations....
"When James asked if there was anything Campbell would have done differently on the railway deal, he replied by criticizing her proposal to raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour, repeating a favourite line that James lacks business experience."
- Reporter Tom Fletcher, BC Local News
Just a note....Global News at 11pm last night further fanned the deflector spin on the family man/grandfather 'story' that first appeared in the Global-owned VSun on Saturday....Kinda makes you go hmmmmmmm......Especially if you remember this.....
Larry's Birthday 2024
31 minutes ago
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