Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The First Rule of Klout Club.


First, there was this, a couple of months ago, floated in the Star and the Globe:

Former B.C. premier Christy Clark says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to be replaced and suggested MPs begin having private conversations with the Liberal Leader about the party’s electoral prospects if he stays on.

In an interview with The Globe and Mail Thursday, Ms. Clark said Monday’s by-election loss in Toronto-St. Paul’s is a sign for the Prime Minister that the Liberal Party needs a change.

“I think the Leader needs to be replaced,” she said. “I think it’s time for him to move on to other, fairer pastures.”...

Then, last week, there was the following from the local Lotuslandian Global politics guy:


What's going on and why does it appear that the Klout Klub is working so hard to get the CorpMedia to pay attention to Ms. Clark's meandering musings?


I must admit that I was initially flummoxed.

And then, while riding through the rain last night, I suddenly realized that smart 'n savvy media minder-binder types like Klout Klub man-about-inlet-town Marky Mark just might be trying to convince any and all Big Fed-Red Machine mavens who will listen that Ms. Clark could be the super-duper leadership switcheroo game changer they've been looking for.

Just like, say, Kamala Harris.

Imagine that!

The first rule of Klout Klub?....
Always be pushing...Thing is, while that may have worked back in ancient times (i.e. see DION, Stephane), it doesn't appear to have worked out so well more recently for super fine political folks like Hector Bremmer, Michael Lee or, even, the good Mr. Marissen himself...
As for those French lessons alluded to in Mr. Zussman's word salad?...One can only wonder if, perhaps, the former premier took them at the Sorbonne?



  1. Those people have no shame...

  2. Christie Clark is like Gordon Campbell, undetectable.

    Like Kevin Falcon, they are from another age, lost in hubris and ennui. There time has come and (thank god) gone.

    If she thinks the Liberal elites would for a second, consider her, she is loopier than I thought.

  3. No way, no how, not ever. She must be desperate to be talking about something so far fetched. She is unfit and uneducated for anything approaching a career doing something regular folks do. She’s lived to long being given positions above her potential and now can’t find her own way. Wasn’t she even being given a house by the Vancouver soccer team owner? She should just slip back into the shadows and keep that big yap shut. No one wants to hear from her.

    1. Even if she becomes bilingual, the French language in France is different than the French spoken in Quebec. DF

  4. Is she bilingual in both of the official languages? French English

  5. This is something she’s imagined since she was a kid in high school, and the time must seem right for her and her puppet masters.

    She’s hauling a lot of baggage from her time in BC, but that might not mean anything on the other side of those rocks. Don’t take her lightly.

    1. The problem for Clark is that she is considered a "flake" by the Liberal elites which run the party. Her "pay to play" style of government would be a gift to the opposition and her clinging to power after Horgan and Greens joined forces to have a majority in the legislature, in a way, reminds me of Trumps January insurrection.

      This has not gone noticed by the entitled classes in Ontario and Quebec which run the show, politically!

  6. Here ya go Ross,


    Where’s cristy when they needed her.?

  7. Falcon is now gone and we have a load of redundant BC United candidates!
    Chrissy must be in a spin wondering where she can turn to next.
    A for Chrissies French lessons, if her reputation precedes her she will start with choice French swear words!

  8. My oh my Keith! Are we seeing Falcon morphing into RFK Jr? I hope the blackbears and orcas will be OK!

    mr perfect

  9. All we in Canada need is for the over aged wanna be high school cheerleader to bring the country together with her Om on MacDonald-Cartier Bridge. Could she get Pat King to join in wearing his yoga pants?

    mr perfect

  10. Thanks Keith! (I think). It would appear that the party of pavement and used cars has agreed to fuse with the whackaloons in the name of expediency and/or potential power.

    As for Mr. Falcon...Why has he agreed 'not' to run (at least as per the Global report)?...There's got to be a sweetheart in the rodeo....errr...'deal' there somewhere.


    1. Well the NDP are no slouches with "blacktop" politics in BC by spending $5 billion to widen and rehab the #1 highway. In fact the NDP seems to want "rubber on asphalt" projects for BC.

  11. On X today from Richard Zussman:

    “Former BC Liberal premier Christy Clark has been spending time this summer calling BC United candidates in an attempt to get them to run for the Conservatives. Clark has stated multiple times the NDP would win if both United and Conservatives ran candidates.”

    At about the same time, this from Mark Marrisen:

    “After the dust settles from the upcoming election, Liberals in BC have a lot of soul-searching to do.

    This is not the old "free enterprise coalition" coming together again.

    Kevin Falcon quitting for John Rustad is simply one group of Conservatives surrendering to another group of Conservatives.

    It makes sense for them to work together, because both parties decided to firmly ally themselves with Pierre Poilievre on their policies and approach.

    In the meantime, actual Liberals (and there are a lot more of us in BC than most of the BC political elites think) will need to vote for the BC-NDP.”

    About the same time I started scratching my noggin, this from Marissen:

    “This is not true, Richard.

    Clark didn't ask a single BCU candidate to do this.

    Where did you hear this?”

    It’s on…


  12. Ooohh, boy!...It's a Klout Klub Kat fight!

    Thanks for the heads up Lew.


  13. did not see this coming. didn't know until 10 p.m. this evening. thats what you get for not checking phone messages and your blogs. It is a shock. Thought the old Socred team was made of tougher stuff than this. Expected a few more B.C. United to flee, but expected the party to take its lumps in the election and re build as they have done in the past. Guess they just don't make them like they used to. Well no Grace McCarthy and no new shiny Van der Zalm. But still............Falcon never did strike me as one to be able to deal with tough times, now we have the proof. The change in hair declared, "I
    m not a serious guy".
    What caused Falcon to roll over for Rustad
    When el gordo "left" after prompting by 10 of the B.C. Lieberal MLAs he got a nice gig in London, but what awaits Falcon. When things like this happen my first thought is, follow the money, who has got what on who, whats in it for the players. Of course it could be some of them think that with Smith in Alberta running away with all sorts of things, perhaps they'd like to have a block of conservative retro types in the 3 western provinces.
