Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jack Goes Deep


A few weeks back the discussion was very vigorous, some might use another 'v' word*, about how it was political suicide for Jack Layton to make a deal with the Red Devils on a revised budget bill.

And I remember asking myself, and lots of commenters all over the bloggodome, how it could possibly be a bad thing that Mr. Layton was using his leverage to serve the constituency that elected him.

Now, out here on the Left Coast at least, it looks like Jack's 'Act'** has paid off because, as Rick Barnes brings to our attention, he is way out front:

"Stephen Harper has lost significant favour with British Columbians over the last few months. Harper's current approval rating of 38% is down 14-points from March and well below the approval ratings of his rivals Paul Martin (53%, down 5 points) and Jack Layton (63%, up 2 points)."

Now, if Big Jack can just manage to throw a bullet over the middle to connect with Green voters on a crossing pattern.......

**a.k.a. doing the right thing

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