Friday, December 19, 2008

Ledgie Boys Call His Gregoriousness A Union Stooge


Yup, that's the ticket.

Weakness in leaderhip, for sure.....

Caving in to CUPE....

Handing trophies to the Unions....

Can't work with the provincial government (even though, as they noted in the very same breath, he already has on the shelter bed issue)....

And my personal favorite......

"The Firing of Ms. Rogers Means It's Business As Usual At Vancouver City Hall!"

Which pretty much sums up what Palmer and Baldrey had to say during their Bash-O-Rama of Gregor Robertson on the Goodship Watercarrier this morning.

Are these people even paying attention?

And just so you get a real good feel for the bizarrity of the Boys in the Bags' comments, in the very next segment they fell all over each other trumpeting the virtues of Penny Ballem.....The Watercarrier, of course, jumped in and stated that even with the Ballem hire his Gregoriousness didn't know what he was doing, despite the 'real' evidence to the contrary which indicates that Mr. Robertson likely actually bamboozled the good Mr. Good.


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