Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Olympic Village Boondoggle: But What Would All The Pundits Do?



All the non-FABulist pundits at least....

Jeff Lee, on his VSun Blog, has the almost, maybe, kinda/sorta story:

"Those darn pesky in-camera leaks! You just don't know when they'll be a problem.
I gather that Vancouver Councillor Geoff Meggs now wants to become something of a plumber; he's asking the city's legal services director Frances Connell to review and release all of the confidential documents, minutes and motions around the Vancouver Olympic Athletes Village development. (City finance gury Ken Bayne is also expected to give an update on the Millennium/Fortress situation, although no one expects him to spill secrets about the internals of the negotiations.)....."

Mr. Lee has more...And while not fully in the clutches of the 'Market Bounce-Back Brigade' he, at the very least, seems to think they just might turn out to be right.


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