Remember when you were a kid, and Sunday rolled around after you'd spent your entire Saturday playing road hockey on the red brick wall-enclosed schoolground of your dreams?
You had a big project due for school on Monday that involved things like wire mesh and paper mache and stuff that actually had to make sense.
Remember how you felt as the morning drifted afternoonward and you had still barely even started?
Well, this Sunday that's me.
Oh sure, we've got one grant in the can.
But there's another one due in a week.
We have a big paper in revision that the editor wanted back a week ago but we're still doing about fifty experiments at once to try and make the reviewers happy.
Worst of all.
My building is closed today because of some kind of weird behind the walls-in-the-pipes-and-tubes BrazillianGilliam-type maintenance thing is going down.
Which means I will have to go work in the library.
With all those....Gasp!.... Students.
Who are cramming and/or playing Halo when they should be doing the assignment I gave them two weeks ago that was due on Friday.
Oh boy.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
58 minutes ago
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