Remember how the Minister Responsible for The Marshmallow, Kevin Krueger, started backtracking furiously when the lightbulb went off and he realized he was in big trouble....
This all came up after Mr. Krueger uttered his 'No Roof/No Dice'- type statement in regards to a phone call he received, sometime last summer or fall, from the current Chair of ICBC and part owner of the Las Vegas Casino Builder/Operator that has just won the PavCo/Gordon Campbell government-assisted jackpot here in Lotusland?
As near as I can figure it, one of the 'explanations' that Mr. Krueger offered up to explain why the fine folks from Vegas that are all set to erect the latest version of the Circus-Circus need that 500 million dollar removable cloak atop the Marshmallow is that it would eliminate the need for pesky airlocks, etc.
Which makes little sense at all given that the revolving doors are absolutely no problem whatsoever for the thousands of people that enter and exit the stadium from the outside right now.
What if, as Sheila Orr* suggested on Sean Holman's radio show yesterday, the new Casino Industrial Complex itself is actually being designed to ensure that every single patron entering and exiting the stadium had to do so by passing directly through the Circus itself?
Wouldn't that be lovely?
And, again, would it not demonstrate that Gordon Campbell and his Merry Band of Insiders are actually spending $500 million dollars of very scarce public money to make a bunch of fine folks from Las Vegas (and at least one of those very Merry Insiders) happy, rather than the people of British Columbia who are paying for it, or even, for that matter, a gaggle of semi-pro soccer players that were used as the original justification for the stupid thing?
Background on the story of the Vegas Casino builders' emissary who is also operating on the inside of the Campbell Government braintrust (crown-corp-capo divison), broken in its entirety by Sean Holman, can be found here, here, here, here and here.
Oh, and here's a recent, and I think very illuminating, tidbit....After he broke the story in the middle of last week Sean Holman asked the Merry Insider/Casino Builder, a fine fellow named T. Richard Turner, for an interview but was rebuffed due to what was described to him as a very heavy schedule through to good Friday (ie. the beginning of the Four Day breather from the Media-Maw)...But, it turns out that Mr. Turner turned around and granted Jonathan Fowlie of the VSun an interview on Thursday....The result was Mr. Fowlie's 'He-Said/She-Said', 'Deal Breaker/No Deal Breaker' piece late Thursday (on Day -1 of The Breather)....Now, why would Mr. Turner grant an interview to the VSun but not to Sean Holman and PublicEye?....Is it possible that one is considered to be a 'friendly' and the other not-so?....Perhaps.....But, regardless, anyone who has been paying attention can only wonder if maybe, after this (listen for the inquisitory voice from the person that cannot be seen on camera), the Braintrust suddenly became worried that there might be a column coming from Vaughn Palmer, a column that ultimately ran early Friday (Day 1 of The Breather), and thus decided to bite the bullet and play the innoculation game....So.....If that was, indeed, the case, did the gambit work?....Well today, Monday, is Day 4 of The Breather....And what, exactly, are you hearing on this story now from the VSun, The Province, The Globe, CKNW, Global, CTV??????......Cricket(s)..... Anyone?.....
*Apologies to Ms. Orr.... I originally mis-identified fellow Rabble Rousing panel member Eleanor Gregory as the utterer of the 'Connect-The-Doors' design suggestion....Clearly, I'm a little better at identifying the voices of Deans than Rabble Rousers...
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
12 minutes ago
Well, I don't really know enough about what is going on with the casino issues in BC to comment, but as a rule of thumb you can just about never go wrong if you conclude that anything to do with casinos is actually to do with money.
Follow the money...
... and anything to do with B.C. assets and foreign investors just about always has something to do with the Campbell Gang.
A really fine piece of work RossK (and Sean Holman).
Excellent advice Cathie - thanks...
At the moment I'm following two things....Meeting minutes of PavCo, the crown corp responsible for the Marsmallow and surrounding environs....and Court records involving the little Casino that couldn't buy whose license will now be flipped out into the montrosity (thanks to reader not-quite K!).
Thanks Mary--
It really is Mr. Holman who must be thanked, and congratulated, for a job well done.
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