Monday, December 06, 2010

The Real Tragedy In The Resignation Of Carole James...


....Is that, in the end, I am convinced that she was done in by the fact that she is a decent person who is actually the anti-Gordon Campbell*.

And all British Columbians saw that both in the 2005 and, especially, in the 2009 TeeVee debates, and still more of us voted for the guy that, in my opinion, is, as Hunter Thompson once said of Mr. Nixon....

" crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning...."


*I mean, can you imagine anyone in Mr. Campbell's caucus, even now, doing what the "Gang of Bakers' just did without having their amygdala's ripped from their skulls and shoved down their throats?
In the credit-where-credit-is-due department, I thought Vaughn Palmer's post-presser blog-piece was solid today....



ArC said...

So as far as I understand the story, James was given the letter in private, and she chose to exacerbate the situation by publicly shaming the 13 with the stupid scarf stunt and otherwise playing scorched earth tactics. (And it was doubly stupid to make it clear to the public that /13 out of 34/ caucus members aren't on her side.)

She played this both badly and with little grace IMO.

ArC said...

And I'm sorry, but when you go around saying "every MLA will be held accountable for their behavior", you don't get to whine about how you were bullied out of the position.

Jeff Barkley said...

As a long term member of the NDP, I am dismayed by the way she is leaving but not that she is leaving. She forced all of the people who disagreed with her into the public spotlight with her "yellow scarf" move. That was the dumbest thing she could have done. From that point on, there was no graceful way for this to end. It was obvious to anyone with open eyes that many party members considered her a weak leader months ago. If she had called a leadership convention at that time, she would have had an opportunity to prove her critics wrong. Instead of attacking the BC Liberals for their disgusting policies to prove her worth, she decided to attack those within her own party that disagreed with her to show how strong she was. That was a fatal mistake that resulted in her resignation today.

akaj said...

Carole James has shown more of who she is during the last month than the last six years, and it hasn't been pretty. Oh sure I would have voted for her again if she had remained "leader" but would have done so without enthusiasm or knowing what the hell I was voting for.

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled she is gone; she is a drag on the party and didn't want to accept that her time (as leader) was over. She should have stepped down after the last election.

With a new leader I will start contributing to the party again; I quit after she threw a rather large union under the bus just after she took the leader's spot. The union I belong to.

Most of our jobs gone to India and the Philippines now.

Thanks for nothing Carole. Your silence helped the employer quite a bit.

RossK said...


Anything else you all want to blame Ms. James for before we start moving 'forward'?


Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

I see David Schreck is blaming "anarchists" within the NDP for toppling James. That is some first rate political commentary.

RossK said...


I'm surprised he didn't blame horse-playing, former punk, millworker anarchists who love Roller Derby and Bukowski for everything.

(well, everything, except that exploding pop-bottle that nearly ended our dear Anne's career )


Grant G said...

Hey Mr. Ross K.....Speaking of Shreck and Reid.

Elder, cooler, calmer demeanor, years of experience, political saavy...In the game..

Why is it they`re whining like babies, no offence meant, I read them both but come-on!!!

It appears their sour grapes are more important than ours.

I may be over the top but....Send them Ensure.


Ian said...

Grant G... An example of why I'm just not interested in being in the same room.

RossK said...


Word of advice....These folks that you are still poking in the eye are not your political enemies...You don't agree with them re: who should lead the Dippers, which is all fine and good but they are not trying to do the things you and I are fundamentally opposed to....In fact, in most all the ways that are important and matter they are with us...So I suggest you stop now, OK?


Grant G said...

Fair enough Ross...I`m not ready to commit hari kari over it.

And hissy fits(IMO)......

Ahh...Never mind

If I offended I apologize.

Good Day

RossK said...

Thanks Grant.

As John Horgan told the PuffMaster this morning (Tuesday).....

We are different than the other guys.


kootcoot said...

Sorry Ross, but it seems to me that Ian is the baby who is gonna take his ball and go home now cuz he didn't get his way. To me that screams a sense of entitlement, ie, his opinion is more important than mine or Grant's because he helped keep Gordo in power for the last seven years.

I pointed out why I feel Carole's resignation was the right (and only) thing that will lead to a new government just a moment ago on an earlier thread. ArC's comments at the top are accurate also, in my estimation.

I guess Carole could have backed into the Premier's chair by waiting until enough Liberal MLA's were recalled to form a government by default - but there is no way the new Liberal leader would have let that happen without calling a snap election in order to run against THEIR preferred opponent that they were confident they could beat with anyone other than Charles Olsen.

Really, think about how wonderful Carole is lately according to all the pro-liberal so-called media mouthpieces - this wasn't the case until her leadership became threatened. Why is it that leaders never seem to know when it is time to go? Unless maybe it isn't necessary to go, like in the case of Danny Williams - who was certainly not forced out by any stretch of the imagination. But then he took about ten days to clear out his office and hand over the reins - unlike Carole and especially unlike the most hated man in BC.

Anonymous said...

Snap election??? will the term be for the remaining time of a half term, or will it be be for an indefinite time of anywhere from three to five years?

Are we about to see Gordon Campbell Open and Transparent edicts of how a government should operate, be thrown to the winds.....anything to stay in power, well wait a minute, they're already done their own fudget budget via HST.

Grant G said...

"Brilliant people think alike, or fools seldom differ"