Monday, September 26, 2011

Has Christy And Co's Carpet-Bombing Of Mr. Cummins Concluded?


I did it again on Friday night.

Which was not a good thing for Saturday morning.

And no, it was nothing like what Mr. Beer 'N Hockey, allegedly, got himself into, on purpose.

Instead, I fell asleep Friday night with the radio tuned to one of the local Screamer Stations because I was half-listening to the sports-talk babble (which I actually quite enjoy most of the time, by the way) while reading an oldie-but-goodie from Bill Bryson, the subject of which which is about as anti-hyperspeeded-up/non-information overlorded as one can get.

All of which meant that the Screamer Station woke me up on Saturday morning.

Which was weird, in the extreme.

What was even weirder, though, was the fact that by the time I finally came fully awake an hour-or-so later and slammed the the thing off for good, I had begun to wonder something.

And it had nothing to do with what I had heard, but rather what I had not.


What I did not hear on the radio Saturday morning were more of those atrocious attack ads from the current Premier's political party attacking BC Conservative leader John Cummins.

Which is interesting timing, don't you think?

I mean, didn't the current Premier spend last week running around the province pretending she is a newly-bloomed Socialist Rose who will bring thousands of high-paying jobs to flower while, at precisely the same time, the vicious attack ads against Mr. Cummins were running everywhere in heavy rotation?

Which got me to thinking about something I have heard absolutely no pundit, professional or otherwise, pontificate on in the last couple of weeks.

And that is the possibility that Christy Clark and her Political Party's vile accusations that Mr. Cummins is not a true conservative because he apparently used the well-being of his 'offspring' to justify taking his Federal government pension may have been designed to protect her right flank while she momentarily veered way left for poll-raising purposes.

And so, once again, I ask....

Given the morally-bankrupt and cynical nature of this concerted and pre-meditated action by the BC Liberal Party, which included setting up the despicable website titled "Can't Trust", why isn't the proMedia making Ms. Clark and her political party pay?

And not for the so-called 'boneheadedness' of the strategy, regardless whether it involved an attempt to drive up Mr. Cummins negatives or an attempt to protect Ms. Clark from her own right-sided base, or both.


Instead, I want to know why Ms. Clark and her Party are not being made to pay, politically, for venal attacks that are explicitly attempting to sully the relationship of an unelected candidate with his children (eg. 'offspring') for absolutely no good reason at all at a time when there is not even an election campaign going on.

Specifically, why are members of the proMedia not asking Ms. Clark direct questions about her involvement, or even her tacit support, of this corrosive and decidedly anti-family 'tactic' at every opportunity?

And I say this with the full knowledge that the Deputy Premier of British Columbia suddenly quit both the Cabinet and the government in 2004, citing the need to spend more time with her young child as a major reason for her doing so.


Now, I want to be very clear here before I move on....

Specifically, I want to make it crystal clear that, based on everything I have ever read, seen or heard, the former Deputy Premier is a warm, attentive and loving parent.

Got that?


Here goes....


To the absolute best of my knowledge, no one from any political party, or any proMedia outlet, or even any blogger has ever cynically and derisively referred to the former Deputy Premier's young child as her 'offspring' when they have raised the possibility that other politically-charged events of the time may also have played a part in her sudden decision to leave public life in 2004.

In point of fact, again, the only group that I have ever read, seen or heard doing such a thing, particularly in a concerted manner, and with malice aforethought using paid advertising on major media outlets, is the Political Party of the current Premier of British Columbia.

Which is why that current Premier, who is, of course, also the same Deputy Premier who suddenly quit in 2004, must, together with her Political Party, be held fully accountable for their smears of Mr. Cummins and his family in 2011.

Otherwise, if they get away with it this time, ask yourself the following.....

What's to stop them from calling people's children, or their spouses, or their parents, or their grand-parents all kinds of names the next time something politically expedient has to be done to juice the poll numbers by a few points at just the right moment?




West End Bob said...

Thoroughly EXCELLENT post and analysis, RossK - Thanks!

In addition to the stellar content and analysis included, this line gave me my Monday morning chuckle:

I mean, didn't the current Premier spend last week running around the province pretending she is a newly-bloomed Socialist Rose who will bring thousands of high-paying jobs to flower

Great job, My Man . . . .

Anonymous said...

And isn't the former liberal leader, lier, the Gordo, the cluck cluck mentor dee-lux, reaping a ginormous pension thanks to you and me and us, while he pretends to be the Canadian rep in England?
Stuff a sock in her mouth. I wish some enterprising person would place an ad about that, say on YouTube.