Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why Bigger E. Is Not Busking At Granville Island This Summer.


Because she pretty much agrees with all that is included in a solid piece by Denise Ryan on the matter that was recently published in the VSun.

The following chunk gets to the crux of the matter, I think:

Buskers on Granville Island are upset with new regulations and a strict new audition process that stripped a popular autistic musician of his permit to perform at the bustling tourist site.

They say the new rules are out of harmony with local culture and the values that, until now, made Granville Island, in the words of busker Eden Cheung, “one of the best places in the world to busk.”...

{snippety doo-dah}

...Dawn Monette, who has performed as a juggling golden statue on Granville Island for four years, is boycotting the federally owned property in protest and trying to organize a buskers association to advocate on behalf of street performers.

Monette said buskers were stunned this year when the Granville Island Cultural Society doubled the permit fees (to $110 from $55) and announced the new rules that she believes will limit the performers’ artistic freedom and exclude performers such as (longterm busker Keegan) Chen (who suffers from Asperger syndrome).

Buskers were not consulted about the new rules, which also include a ban on fire performances, a tougher, two-tier audition process, cutbacks in available areas and a ban on deviating from scripts approved by the GICS.

Monette says the new rules also stipulate that performers can’t improvise, engage with audience members or deviate from the script they auditioned with — a restriction on free speech that particularly upsets her....



This further shift to increased 'professionalism' (and control?) down on the Island that really and truly does seem to be stomping the spontaneity and, dare I suggest it, artistry, out of the thing does not mean that you won't see E. around town doing her thing if you keep an eye and/or ear out.

Best bet, most days is Gastown.

But she moves around a lot.

As a preview, just in case you missed it at the time, the following is from a lazy, hazy GranIsle afternoon at the tale end of last summer....

Thanks to reader C. for the heads-up about Ms. Ryan's VSun piece.



Rev.Paperboy said...

"...a ban on deviating from scripts approved by the GICS.

Monette says the new rules also stipulate that performers can’t improvise, engage with audience members or deviate from the script they auditioned with — a restriction on free speech that particularly upsets her."

That is the stupidest thing I've heard today by far, and I've been following the Texas abortion debate
If you can't improvise it isn't busking. this is patently ridiculous

RossK said...


You bet.



paul said...
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paul said...

The rules are obviously ridiculous, especially the notion of scripted busking.
But the video, which I missed last summer, is great. Not as raucous as the version I was part of onstage at a Chow family reunion in Moose Jaw, but about a thousand times better in every other way.

RossK said...

Thanks Paul--

Of course, sometimes you need the raucous and sometimes you don't...That was kind of a melancholy, summer almost gone kind of a day...Didn't really need it I reckon.

Hope all is well in Honduras.
