Paul Ramsey has a good post up about who's winning the education battle in the media.
And while Mr. Ramsey gives a good dissection of the he said/she said slogging taking place deep within the proMedia trench, I found his take on what's happening in the social media battle royale particularly interesting:
...Traditionally teachers have always gone into these disputes with a bit of an advantage -- people know and have personal connections to their children's teachers. With social media, that traditional person-to-person advantage is magnified ten-fold and more. Now even citizens without children in the system can get direct, personal messages from the teachers that they know, directly or indirectly. Even if you don't know a teacher, you surely know several people who do.
The government picked a fight with teachers assuming they could win a wedge issue by smacking down a public sector union long typecast as "troublesome" and "militant". I think they could end up getting a worse black eye than they ever imagined, via the social media feeds of the thousands of teachers they've made enemies of...
And there's that other thing too.
Which is that, because teachers are tenacious, well-read, knowledgable and a tad bit persnickety, most of them refuse to back down from the flying surrender monkeys and/or that guy on the TeeVee.
The times they really may be a changing when it comes to winning friends and influencing your uncles.
Not mention public opinion.
Cult of personality
41 minutes ago
cute and good pooint
Thanks e.a.f.
There is power.
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