Sunday, August 11, 2019

Reaching Peak Crazy...


Got back from the beach with the Whackadoodle yesterday morning (bird count: 3 eagles and a herd of herons) and fired up the tubes.

First thing I saw, of course, was reference to the death of the previously convicted hedge fund fellow.

And then I read the following from Charlie Pierce at his (still good) corp blog:

...How in the hell do they let this happen? The guy was incarcerated in the Manhattan Correctional Center. He already had made one try. He had to be on suicide watch. And the suicide happens the day after a massive document dump in which a woman who said she was one of Epstein's victims implicates an entire brigade of celebrity "clients," up to an including some European royalty? There almost can't be a dog more reluctant to hunt than this one...


...This country is losing what's left of its mind..

And only then did I head to the Twittmachine.

Here is what I saw on the sidebar...

And then, of coarsest, the stuff like this began to fly:

It would appear that everyone concerned has run out of sharks to jump (while carrying atomic-powered deflector spin skill saws set to eleventy billion).


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