Wednesday, October 07, 2020

The Keef Report....In Which A Former Club Member Works The Refs.

I mean, just have a look at who the good Mr. Johal tagged on that thing.


Former Keef Reports
can be found...Here.



Lew said...

Mr. Johal is trying to renew his membership. If he ever left the club.

I recall him giving Imperial a heads up through the BC Liberal government communications office so they could get messaging out on the Mt. Polley spill before he ran the footage on Global. Just before heading out the door to the LNG Alliance.

Apparently the grass always looks greener on the other side to Jas. Voters beware.

NVG said...

shouldn't your link HERE be

rather than

RossK said...


I agree with that.

But there is also the matter of him digitally 'paling around' with members of the club during a goldarned election campaign.

In other words, 'when you think of me, think of me as a club member and go easy'...

Or some such thing.



Always the stickler!

I just like to have them come up chronologically, most recent to oldest...I'm surprised that bloody blogger didn't dish that feature, too, with their stupid redesign that actually makes composing posts harder....Case in point try embedding media in the composer view and see what happens...Sheesh.

(and, don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the sticklerishness because 97 times out of a hundred there is something that needs fixing)



NVG said...

My apologies.

I was just lost in all your writings on The Keef, especially the '97 out of a hundred'.

Our actuary (Union pension) said that if someone (investment gurus) uses a 5 or 0 in reporting of just how good the Plan is doing, then don't believe them because they are just guessing. No facts. No 32.48 35 not 33

Example from your link to Keith Baldrey:
"I see no evidence that Shawnigan Lake residents are having any impact whatsoever on gov't., even with today's protest. Zero."

RossK said...

'Zero', indeed.

Thanks NVG.
