Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Next Carol Merrill.


There's a new model in the 'Let's Make A (Climate Change) Deal!' game.

And this one does not answer to either Monty Hall or Stefan Hatos.

Instead, it is a model developed by two geoscientists, one from Oxford and one from Cambridge, that they think helps to explain why marine ice sheets are highly sensitive to something called 'submarine melting' as the ocean warms.

Why does this matter for what is behind Doors Number 1 and 2 AND Door Number 3 as temperatures continue to increase?

Well, here's the kicker from geo-geeks' abstract published by Nature a few weeks ago:

"Our results point towards a stronger sensitivity of ice-sheet melting, and thus higher sea-level-rise contribution in a warming climate, than has been previously understood."


Given that we of the fossil fuel burning epoch broke more than 1,400 high temperature records in the last week, I'm not so sure that the effects of climate change are going to affect us quite so incrementally as is so often assumed by those who promulgate the advantages of a slow, sparkle pony-assisted decades long transition to carbon neutrality.

If you get my drift.

And who knew that 'Let's Make a Deal' spent a disastrous two year stint in Vancouver at the end of its first run in 1980/81 that was plagued by a goofy set with disco doors, cheap prizes and, ultimately, bounced cheques?...And imagine it being memorialized on a pre-historic 'Angelfire' webpage that has not yet succumbed to link rot!
Earworm in the subheader?...What else but...This!



Evil Eye said...

What needs to be done, is not being done to deal with global Warming/Climate Change.

The "Carbon Tax has become a placebo for government to pretend its is doing something, when they are not. The "Carbon Tax" is a revenue generator for government.

Electric cars have been vastly oversold for what they can do. For urban living, they are a no-brainier, but for a province as large as BC, nope, nada, not a chance.

Those shilling for battery buses do not mention that they tend to burst into flames and that they are proprietary (read more expensive), we have electric or trolley buses, just continue with those as they tend not to burst into flames and the technology is generic (read cheaper in the long run)

The government has not invested in regional railways, thus making the family chariot a necessity.

Norway, with a population of 5.5 million has a large network of passenger railways and carries over 41 million passengers a year. BC, one hackneyed 90 km commuter rail line and an infrequent VIA rail passenger service.

Sorry, our carbon neutrality pantomime is next to useless and as I stated before a placebo to hide government inaction.

RossK said...


I'm pretty much all the way there with you on this one.


Danneau said...

Evil Eye's comments have that troubling ring of truth about them, and the scary part is that the left side of the overton thingy seems ready to collapse and return us to the tender ministrations of HareHair and Rusted, LLC, who don't even bother to talk a good game on climate, who work for people (more blatantly and ardently than our current "governors" ) seeking to subvert the commons for their own enrichment at the expense and the environment and all the little people. Justin did a complete Barack, raising expectations with his fingers crossed and proceeded to deliver a decade of MOS and BIU, sending all the mind-conditioned voters looking for relief on the hardening Right, and it's happening in locations all over the globe. We've lost it!

GarFish said...

We have fifty years tops (and this is optimistic). The people most responsible will be living in their billionaire bunkers. https://www.cbc.ca/news/billionaire-bunkers-doomsday-1.7130152

Trailblazer said...

@GarFish; Million dollar preppers who'd a thought!.
If life is not worth it above ground it's worth less under it.
The whole idea that someone is preparing to insulate themselves from something they have been part of creating boggles the mind.
Selfishness and greed must be the original sin yet the masses love it!
The masses dont give a fuck as long as they get their self warranted cut of the ever decreasing pie.
That so many think greed is good will be the death of us.

e.a.f. said...

Did click on "This" and up popped parts of my life. Loved Red Fox and Robin Williams, and George Jefferson and all the others. Thank you for the amazing laughs. What I wouldn't give to be able to dance like the 70s again except this time I'd be in traction at VGH.

Evil Eye said it all. Now back to the 1970s Yes there was smog in the summer, if you were coming back from Vernon and just about to hit the bridge, there was smog over Vancouver, but now its worse. No advancements have been made.
That would cost money and no likes to spend it except on ourselves. Having lived in Greater Vancouver since the 1951, there was a lot of space to build anything the cities would have wanted, for the future. The billions spent on Skytrain, etc. hasn't solved any of our transportation issues nor moved that many people out of their cars. We haven't gotten more prosperous, just more debt: that's government and people.

Big business likes to create a crisis so they can "develop" a fix which in turn will make them money and put them in control of things they ought not to be. all in the name of progress. i.e. no plastic bags, carbon taxes, etc. An article recently advised that the manufacture of plastic emitted much greater green house gases than vehicles.

It would not be difficult to deal with enviornmental issues. Stop using plastic for just about everything--we used to use glass and card board, now even milk comes in plastic. Stop buying cheap clothes from China on line. It can't be recycled and most of it is plastic in one form or another. Those container ships are nothing but pollution creators, not to be confused with job creators. Job creators is such a lovely word and so full of b.s. Makes something sound good, when in fact many of these job creators pay min. wage, bad working conditions, don't want to pay sick leave, etc. or they'll go out of business, so they cry.
Another thing which contributes to pollution is tearing down houses and apartment buildings and starting over again but at 3 or 5 times the price. Cities could simply say, no new buildings unless the old ones are really, really old and pass and enforce bylaws which require buildings to be kept up to standard. Those worse than rabbit warrens in Vancouver where they house people who don't have traditional homes are just killers and polluters. Back in the day Vancouver had a fire chief who didn't like the fact buildings kept burning and people dying. Land lords ignored city hall and kept making money. One day he decided to enforce the fire by laws. If a land lord did not fix what violated the fire codes, he'd be back, close the building, have every one move out and the landlord wasn't making a dime anymore. Things improved.

There isn't going to be carbon neutrality any more than there will be neutrality between Russia and Ukraine. That war also creates a lot of pollution.

We only have to look at who is at Davos and the lobbyists in any capital, even the American Supreme Court appears to be up for sale,

JP said...

EE and e.a.f.;

I generally agree with your views.

I deviate on the electric idea.

Electric cars are practical for nearly everyone. Even those wealthy enough to have a home with a driveway/garage usually have an EV as a second car.
Even for those few and becoming more rare single family home owners, the possibility of the lithium ion battery fires is scary as hell.
These batteries are nearly impossible to be done safely and these facilities have a tendency to burn. These aren't ordinary fires. They are very hot, intense, and highly toxic.

The strata I live in decided to allow EV charging if the owners have a fire extinguisher in their garage. I just laughed like hell! If you are involved in a lithium ion battery fire, the only thing to do is to run!!!

e.a.f. said...

Thanks for the reminder about those battery fires. I don't agree with charging those vehicles inside closed garages which are attached to the house.
A fire extinguisher would work fine as long as you have a big fire truck next to it with the usual complement of trained fire fighters and the rest of the equipment