Sunday, September 01, 2024

Carnac....errrr...Falcon The Magnificent?


Perhaps a better title, regardless whether or not it was bestowed by the ghost of Ed McMahon, would actually be 'Falcon the Omniscient'.

At least according to the good Mr. Falcon himself.

The following is from Cindy Harnett's piece in today's Times-Colonist that we mentioned in an update to yesterday's post:

...Falcon said he has apologized to caucus and staff, saying he would have loved to have had talked beforehand, and ­acknowledged he understood “the anger, the disappointment, sense of betrayal, whatever the emotion is, I totally understand.”

“But what they have to understand from me is that I have a different vista than they all do,” said Falcon. “I see and know way more things than they do.”...

The all seeing and all knowing, indeed.

Interestingly, and perhaps a bit surprisingly, neither Mr. Falcon nor any of his 'aides' has made any mention whatsoever of sealed envelopes in a mayonnaise jar sitting on Funk and Wagnall's porch since noon on Wednesday.



Evil eye said...

It is all about Falcon, isn't it. It is all about how it will benefit him.

Sounds like private bone-spurs down south.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping in my lifetime to see the chewing gum that sticks under the seat of the B.C. Rail flogging. I'd bet there's still some bones in the closet that would be of interest but I don't see anyone rushing to throw it open.
The flushing sound I hear is taking away some of the last floaties of the Campbell era. We need more air freshener because it still stinks.

Anonymous said...

He has a different vista or visa?And what about the snowman?

Lew Edwardson said...

Mayonnaise jars? Perhaps Rich Coleman took all the empties with him…

RossK said...


But he's all seeing!


Mr. Floatie!



One can only wonder if that particular personal vista just might have something to do with the promise of a safe FedCon seat and the dangling of a potential cabinet-type snowman surprise.


For the mayo refills or for all the envelopes with secret words, etc.?


Lew Edwardson said...

RossK, Mr. Coleman is on record saying he “doesn’t deal in paper”, but I’m certain he used to know his way around mayonnaise jars.

Anonymous said...

Shared email account with nothing ever in or out only drafts? Post it notes? Satellite phone? Morse code?

RossK said...

Ahhh...Of course!

Anonymous said...

He has a "different vista"? What does that mean? Could he . Different vista, ya they were working at what they do and he was tearing down the party.
They may have promised him things, but if any of it is ever delivered will be another matter. When you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.
Don't think Falcon is tough enough for what comes next.

Anonymous said...

Pic kinda looks like current pm in earlier years