Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Latest From Spam-A-Lot...Surprise!....More Shadowy Men From A Shadowy Planet (With Money)...


Well whaddy'a know - Vancouver's worst mayor of all time is back in action.

With yet another 'project'.

And once again it is backed by a secretive money man that will not reveal himself, this time from 'out of province'.

The grizzled Doug Ward, who can say more between the lines of a single piece than an entire passel of lesser inkstained-wretches can say with a thousand barrels of pixel dust and a month of Sundays to pound out their gibberish ad nauseum, has the story in the VSun:

....The lifestyle change (since his removal from the mayoral ticket by his own party) has given the 49-year-old former Vancouver mayor time to work on his French, Cantonese and Mandarin, and to watch educational DVDs. (These days, Sullivan is fascinated by Euclidian geometry, and he knows something about Austrian-British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's theories of knowledge.)

It's also given Sullivan time to reinvent his life once again with a project called the Global Civic Policy Society, a new non-profit organization mostly financed by one mysterious out-of-province patron.

Sullivan wants Global Civic, which so far appears to be a one-man band, to link the research of leading academics with politicians and other policy-makers.

He says his new role will be one of a "facilitator," adding, with a smile, "maybe this is the real Citizen Sam.".....

Ya, sure thing Sammy.

But just so you know - most academics of any repute (and/or any sense) will have nothing whatsoever to do with somebody who later, based on past performance, just may decide to 'rip their throats out'.


And I must say, given his past performance, that I'm shocked, shocked I tell you(!), that Lotusland's latest former Pol/pro-MediaMaven to turn blogger, Alex Tsakumis, has yet to weigh in on this matter.
Double-Secret Probation Update: Mr. Tsakumis has officially weighed in, arrived, and smashed the Spamalotteers to smithereens all in one magnificent post!


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