Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Why Didn't The Private Copeman Clinic In Calgary Get Any H1N1 Flu Vaccine?


Could it be that their members are just not 'exclusive' enough?

The members of the Copeman Clinic In Calgary I mean.


What the heckfire am I talking about?

As we reported yesterday, unlike the private Copeman Clinic in Vancouver, where members shell out a few thousand a year up front and as a result have exclusive rights to receive a slug of hoarded vaccine if they are in the high risk group, the members in Calgary got nothing.

At the time this came to light I wondered if maybe, just maybe, unlike their British Columbia counterpart, the Alberta government may have actually done the right thing to preserve 'Universality' over 'Exclusivity'.


It turns out I may have been very, very wrong.


Because it looks like some of that vaccine marked 'Exclusive' may have gone to the members of a club that are even more exclusive than the poor schleps who only shelled out a few large for run-of-the-mill privatized health care:

The province (of Alberta) is investigating how some Calgary Flames players and their families received the swine flu vaccine last week at a special clinic with the help of Alberta Health Services.

"I can't speculate on what happened, but we will have a fuller report very shortly," Premier Ed Stelmach said Tuesday.....

Does that mean that we already have three-tiered health care in Canada?

(and how long before there are a hundred tiers - which, of course, is the real rub here)

A thousand thanks to our good friend Great Aunty Bertha who pointed us towards that most exclusive of clubs so far (no word yet on whether or not the braintrust of the Maple Laffs' has retained a bit of the hoard for their servants and/or drivers)....


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