Saturday, April 17, 2010

Casino Royale Running Wild....Marathon To Promote Paragon, Mile 3


Inspired by the most recent Document Dump Friday just past, which appears to have been designed to bury all pro-Media stories about the Purveyor of the Pleasure Palace, Paragon Gaming Inc. , the Marathon to do exactly the opposite has begun.....
(see sidebar for a mile-by-mile breakdown of the race to Monday's finish line)


We're in the middle of mile 3, and the first burn is starting to kick in.

Which means that our mind is starting to wander....

Away from the letter that NDP Opposition critic Spencer Chandra-Herbert received from the Lobbyist registrar Mr. Paul Fraser that referred to Campbell government insider, BC Liberal Party monetary supporter, and Casino Builder, Mr. T. Richard Turner....

Towards a second letter that Mr. Chandra-Herbert recently received.....

This second letter also refers to the recent actions of Campbell government insider, BC Liberal Party monetary supporter, and Casino Builder, Mr. T. Richard Turner.....

This second letter, however, was not from Mr. Fraser. Instead, it was from the CEO of PavCo which is the Campbell government-controlled Crown Corporation that made the decision about both the Retractable Roof for BC Place Stadium and who will build the massive Casino Industrial Complex next door....

PavCo chose Mr. Turner's company.....

And, surprise!, this second letter is something you have heard essentially nothing about if you have only been paying attention to the big media monopolists that run the Lotuslandian pro-Media.

And we'll tell you all about it when after we have galloped past the four mile post....



Honey said...

I dont understand what this blog is about? All i see is ads for online casinos! surely this is not what the author intended?
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