Tuesday, July 12, 2011

BC Ferries Announces New Surcharge


In the wake of the recent revelations about BC Ferries' Bossman David Hahn's gold-plated anchor around our collective necks, we were surprised to find that we'd missed this little item:

Please note: Any and all attempts to invoke outrage about the shiny new Premier's faux outrage over the anchor and/or conflate the Fat Cat surcharge with the egregious, and very real, BC Ferries' Fuel surcharge was entirely intentional.




bewlay said...

When I see this man on TV he is so very gracious, and such magnificent smiling to the audience at home through the camera just beautiful. It just makes me want to blow a c-note and change right away and jump on one of those beautiful sometimes operational imported ships. Most of all though what I really enjoy is when he is explaining why he is entitled to his entitlements; you have to admit that is pretty incredible stuff. The help must be so inspired to have such magnificence at the helm, and you can see it in all they do. Yeesh, slow down you keeners you will pull a muscle or something.

RossK said...


And meanwhile, in a column worthy of David Brooksian pretzel logic, masterful conflation and exquisite derriere covering....Keith Baldrey spends hundreds of words slamming teachers, over and over again, for their greed, based on opening bargaining positions. Then, at the very end of the piece he trumpets the fantastic job that Mr. Hahn has done before admitting that, yes, his pension is too rich.


Grant G said...


July/13th/....3:45 pm to 3:51 pm..

Good Day

bewlay said...

It is so reafirming to know that Kieth is spreading the word over and over again until we believe it. Man can you believe those teachers thinking they also are entitled to entitlements? Well they are no Admiral Hahn I can tell you that. Imagine caring for and educating chldren and trying to make the world a better place tut tut that won't do. I'm sure all the bargainig points are carved in stone and the evil educators will never make concessions in the negotiating process best not to wait and see ready the tar an feathers I say. It is good the media is interfering in their right to collectively bargain we must support this type of attack on the unions before we descend into fiery pit of humanism...eek!

bewlay said...

Ross I forrgot to mention that pairing the teachers with the 911 attacks is very astute this well help the public understand just how evil these educators really are, Pulitzer anyone?

RossK said...

Thanks Grant--

As much as it pains my eardrums just to think about dialing up daytime (notso)Giant98 stuff, I'll give it a shot.


I would not be the least surprised if some of this stuff was being floated to fine proMedia folks with a penchant for rarified 'insider access' (recall,if you will, the fact that Mr. Hahn granted such access to Mr. Baldrey in the wake of the Queen of the North sinking is one of the reasons of the reasons the latter is so enamoured of the former) in an effort to see if they can use this as an election issue down the road.

Why do I think that?

Well, it's not like these people haven't used teachers as a 'wedge issue on a silver platter' before.



RossK said...

Just listened Grant - there is so much there it's unbelievable from the Tweeter to the Friendly To the Water Carrier all the way through to ....But look at the Chair of Coca Cola....Criminy!

(oh, and then there's the fact that Mr. Baldrey knows who's calling and McComb couldn't give a hoot in heckfire....ha!)


Grant G said...

Well Ross K...You know Mr. Good won`t allow "Fred from Gibsons' or Brian from Garden Bay on the cutting ledge..

However...John Macolm allows "callers" who make the BC Liberals very uncomfortable..

I`ll say hi to Brian for you..


RossK said...

Very nice - McComb really rose to your excellent questions that threw the Tweet Snatcher off message.