On the weekend we mentioned that there was a big slating party at Vision headquarters over their nominations for Parks Board that shut some very good folks out completely:
Meanwhile, FABula has weighed in. Here's the passage from her report that we found particularly interesting:
...Vision is touting this as a huge sign of democracy in action, with 1,650 voters out, and critics seeing it as a triumph of slate voting for a group favoured by the Vision backroom. It certainly is a success for Vision on one level, to get this group of relatively young people involved, with representation from the city’s increasingly active Filipino community and always active Indo community.
I’m not sure about either claim, as the obvious NDP vs. left (federal) Liberal partisanship that emerged was not totally what the party was looking for. In the past, Vision has tended to slightly favour the federal Liberals as a way of trying to capture the centre (remember when they chose fed Liberal Ian Baillie rather than forever NDPer Stephen Learey as ED for the party several years ago?).
Seemed to me, from what I heard, that the slate win was more an issue of a group that took advantage of lots of support from experienced NDP organizers (people who’ve worked with Dix, Eby, Elmore) to mount a full-on campaign that the others weren’t really expecting...
Does this mean that there just might be a showdown between MarkyMarkians and Dixians someday soon?
In the same freaking political party?
Strange bedfellows and all that, I guess.
Cartoon UCS #43: Concord Pacific at the Comedy Club
5 minutes ago
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