Well, well, well...
Look who's involved in the latest bit of bigtime bitumen greenwashing (via Jeff Jones' report in The Globe):
...Another notable participant (in Pacific Futures) is Vice-President Communications and Research Mark Marissen, a longtime Liberal party strategist and public consultation specialist who is also ex-husband of B.C. Premier Christy Clark...
Seems to me that this latest 'less than zero tarsands refining is great!'-thingy is kinda/sorta like that 'fracking doesn't matter because processing is processing'-business, all over again....Or some such thing.
Meanwhile, Norm Farrell, who refuses to join most clubs that will have him, has the story of some previous close-tie/at-the-very-least-appearance-of-potential conflictyness goin' down in the #bced thing....Here.
Thursday Morning Links
1 hour ago
What a joke. So from now on, the so-called Premier will not utter the words oil refinery. Give me a break. And according to the G&M this company has been in the works since January, so I guess we are to believe Christy wasn't aware of that every time she said "oil refinery" since then. To me it's more that the Liberal party has had enough of her big promises like a million jobs in LNG which has so far just made her look...... well you know. Maybe it's best that Christy stick to photo-ops & raising money for the party. A job she has now brought to the Weather Network. I was surprised this morning checking the Victoria weather and there's Christy with a Liberal ad that look more like a government of BC ad... asking for money. The big campaign is 2017... that's when all of those 1 million jobs will started ?
Guy in Victoria
Personally, I think they just think up these ploys as fast as they can to give the proMedia something really shiny to glom onto.
Heckfire, given the overarching PR objective here, I reckon they'll probably figure they've hit the motherlode if they bat one for a hundred.
How political convenient for Clark. With the federal decisions coming down the pike, she can watch on the sidelines without taking any political risk or commitment. Dix should have been so lucky. As a premier and leader, what good is she?
Not sure, actually...
However, it is clear that she is most definitely the 'Recuser-In-Chief'.
More on that coming...
So I started thinking about this again this morning..... I was asking myself... how does this work ? Do people with access to lots of money get together in Mexico and decide over a few Tequilas that it's time to build a multi billion dollar refinery on BC's west coast ? And then they say..... our first step should be to call that fellow Mark Marissen because he's got tons of knowledge in oil refineries and that will be a bonus. But how do we get in touch with him ? That's when member of the big cell phone companies say's let's call the Prime Minister ( in Mexico they don't understand our political system) because I heard she was once married to him. But how will that affect her running the Country. Then another member of the Mexican party say's.... this could be good. She could tell those stupid taxpayers that she has nothing to do with this because her ex is involved..... but secretly she could feed us all the info we need and we'll give them both a new cell phone with unlimited calling to Mexico.
Now that sounds more like a BC Liberal business plan.
Guy in Victoria
The other great white north LNG
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