Earlier we commented on Mark Hume's piece in the Globe which noted that Christy Clark recently made an unannounced trip to the small community Old Masset on Haida Gwaii to dole out a whack of our money for a project supported by a band leader named Ken Rea who just happened to be in the midst of a campaign for his re-election at the time.
Interestingly, Mr. Rea's opponent in that election campaign, Kimball Davidson, was opposed to a business deal between the local council and a company named Broadwing Renewables, Inc. that is proposing to erect a wind farm there.
Perhaps just as interestingly, if not more so, Mr. Rea supports the deal.
And, perhaps most interestingly, it turns out that the president of Broadwing is a very, very fine fellow named Mr. Bruce Clark who also just happens to be Ms. Clark's brother.
Now, of course, Mr. Clark's office is denying any political inference and/or skullduggery whatsoever.
How did Mr. Rea get in touch with members of Ms. Clark's government in the first place?
Well, for that, let's return to Mr. Hume's piece, shall we....
...Mr. Clark said he had nothing to do with the grant and denied doing anything to get Ms. Clark to visit Old Massett.
“I have trouble getting her to come for family dinners,” he said.
Mr. Clark said he did help Mr. Rea make connections with government education officials.
“I simply told [Mr. Rea], ‘If you have issues, here’s who you talk to,’” he said.
Mr. Clark said due to his sister’s job as premier he is very sensitive to potential conflicts of interest, and he won’t get involved in business deals unless it’s through a public bidding process.
“At the end of the day, when you go through a public process and you’ve been prescreened and qualified and you have the best price and you win, I don’t see how anybody can complain about that,” he said.
Mr. Rea agreed Mr. Clark’s only role was that he helped make connections with the government.
“I don’t know anybody at the province, so Bruce gave me a number to call,” he said.
Mr. Rea said he dealt with officials in the Ministry of Education, not the Premier’s office, and Ms. Clark’s visit had nothing to do with the election...
Here's a very specific question.
Whose phone number in the Education Ministry of the government of Christy Clark, exactly, did Mr. Bruce Clark give to Mr. Rea?
And, as a follow-up, is Mr. Bruce Clark registered as a lobbyist for Mr. Rea and his band with the provincial government of Ms. Christy Clark?
And, like me, those of you with long memories may be wondering...Are there still phone booths on Haida Gwaii...Because....Well....Spiderman!
Trump Screws Over His Base, Part the Zillion
1 hour ago
i smell limburger?
WAC Bennett dam repairs delayed til after election?
dear old Christy. almost makes you want el gordo back. could we have a contest of who we would like to send to the moon and back with The Donald. It might be fun to put Christy and The Donald in a tube and send them to Mars or some such thing.
it would be entertaining if the person Bruce's "friend" was running against filed a complaint somewhere. Like provincial government interfering with First Nations elections. A reasonable person might conclude there was a problem there.
was campbell sent to promote alberta/canada oil?
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