As a follow-up to our last post on carbon and wildfires and all that, our fine Premier has flown up to Sparkle Ponyland and she has spoken.
Jonny Wakefield of Alaska Highway News has the story.
Here is his lede, and a wee bit more, so that you can get a real feel for the insanity she is once again pushing:
Liquefied natural gas can help cut China’s coal consumption and turn the tide against climate change, which is contributing to an early wildfire season in Northeast B.C., Premier Christy Clark said Wednesday in Fort St. John.
The premier was in the Peace Region for a pro-LNG rally, planned weeks before a rash of wildfires forced people from their homes across northern B.C.
Asked about the early start to the fire season, Clark made a pivot to her government’s plan to export LNG to Asia.
“This early start to the fire season is alarming for everyone in the province,” Clark told reporters after a speech to LNG supporters from the back of an oilfield crane truck. “I know it’s been an immediate, urgent issue for people in the northeast, but if it’s starting this early here, it’s going to start early everywhere in the province.”
“This is the reality we’re facing today as the planet gets warmer,” she continued, saying climate change leads to dry conditions that exacerbate wildfires. “If there’s any argument for exporting LNG and helping fight climate change, surely it is all around us when we see these fires burning out of control.”
Clark tailored her comments to the current wildfires, but the argument is far from new. The BC Liberal government has long argued that LNG is less carbon-intensive than oil and coal, making it a net-positive for emissions reduction...
As for upstream emissions and scientists who say that what Ms. Clark is selling is pure, unadulterated codswallop?
You know...
And we await, with bated-breath, the puffed-up punditry's coming commentary about how the Premier has once again bested the leader of the Opposition by once again (again!) spouting bullshite that once again (again! again!) has gone unchallenged by said punditry...Sheesh.
The Kennedy Op-Ed: Don’t Ignore the Dog Whistles
19 minutes ago
Hilarious!!! Christy wants to stop China from using Coal. Would that be the same Coal that is Teck has been mining from Sparwood and sitting on the Neptune dock of the bay in Vancouver?
IF, British Columbia stopped selling coal to other countries it would then force those other countries to buy ..... LNG from Australia
Logic will get you absolutely nowhere with our fine Premier!
Liar liar pants on ?
A vote for bcl is a vote for private schools r us?
And they call it democracy?
Quid pro quo?
The prom queen couldn't run a lemonade stand. Obfuscation and misrepresentation of the truth, her stock in trade. Let's export her instead, have to be a few third world regimes looking for a pom pom cheerleader type, to promote their third world brand of lies. She has plenty of experience in misrepresenting the truth and ripping us off.
Funny stuff indeed....The federal environment minister..just a few days stated they would possibly have a decision on Petronas by late June...McKenna also said that the project in question(PNW LNG) will be decided by science, not politics...hmm..
Christy Clark was sure politicking up in gasland today...Chrispy Clark also said First Nations were on board??...Really...First N ations vow to fight Petronas through the courts and on the land regardless of any potential federal approval..
Anywho...Mr. K...Petronas is not going forward with PNW LNG...The reason? economics..Oh, need more?
Another LNG terminal gets scrubbed because they had no gas buyers..
I saved the best for last...Remember a few years ago when the Big Energy Companies gouged the heck out of Japan, ..Big energy companies had no mercy for Japan in their hour of need, all the nuclear plants shuttered, oh indeed..even Christy Clark, she talked of eliminating BC's debt, eliminating BC's sales tax and a $100 billion dollar prosperity fund...Because, according to Christy Clark, and I quote..
"Japan is paying 5 and 6 times the North American rate for gas"..
Clark talked as if Japan volunteered to pay extra, agreed to be gouged, she talked as if shoving up Japan's ass was normal business...
Ah, but the worm has turned, and at a LNG conference last week, the head man for Petronas said...paraphrasing here..
Petronas stated at the LNG conference that LNG buyers must be more agreeable to higher prices, that LNG costs money to produce...Petronas stated that buyers must be willing to pay more because everyone needs to fair, ...
I had to laugh my guts out...Petronas was pleading for LNG buyers to be reasonable and pay more for LNG...
and I harken back to Japan getting ripped a new one by Petronas and others, when oil linked prices, when oil was $110 a barrel..
Big energy didn't cut Japan or Asia a break..They rode that horse for all it was worth...And now Petronas is pleading for LNG buyers to be reasonable?
I had to laugh..Read it for yourself..
Anywho...I'll be back on the writing horse soon..
Been real busy
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
missed one link...
It really is obfuscation for a Clarklandian nation everywhere you look.
No doubt, regardless anything else, that, if they are slain for good, it will be the Sparkle Ponian economics that do it.
But...the boys 'n girls in short pants know that, come next spring, that they are going to have to hang the demise of the SP's on someone other than their boss.
And that's what all this codswallop and all that crap about the forces of 'No' is all about.
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