From our fine Premier's address to the Council of Forest Industries, as reported by the Tyee's Andrew MacLeod:
...(Christy) Clark says she tells kids, "If we don't cut down trees in British Columbia, we have to take more money from your Mom and Dad."...
If she does that, how will all those Mom's and Dad's be able to afford to send their kids' to the private schools that their increased taxes and user fees (up the wazuku) are helping to pay for?
After, of course, all the public schools have closed and/or the Fraser Institute has convinced all those Mom's and Dad's that said public schools are worse than dungeons and/or an Edinburgh dorm room when it comes to actually learning anything...Whichever comes first.
Fire Sale!
27 minutes ago
Apparantly she never read The Lorax.
I'm quite certain that there is absolutely no truth to the non-existent rumour that I am neither starting nor making up that the Dr. Seuss is banned from all Fraser Institute-approved libraries.
We need a comprehensive primer on BC Liberal Apocryphal Stories to Tell in the Dark…
…somewhere in there should be the tale of the naughty Premier, who doesn't stop at red lights….or apparently anything else that finds itself on the list of venal sins...
So she didn't mention all the trees - and jobs - that get shipped to the US?
If the corporate media ever had the courage to ask her about raw log exports I would expect the answer to be: "THE NDP DID IT TOO !!"
Even after 15 years this line gets the BC Liberals off the hook with the corporate media every time.
The Minister of Raw Log Exports Steve Thompson indicated that if there isn`t a mill in a community, the logs are considered surplus.
Off to China they go.
There is a cabinet retailer in Kelowna that makes nice kitchen cabinets from Canadian Maple.
Those logs really go for a ride-now that is scary.
In the far western province of British Colombia (spelling intended) there is the legend of the Boogie Person, who frightens young children whenever a camera is activated and can shape-shift into the image of Margaret Thatcher seemingly at will. The only antidote to this evil entity lies in the hands of Lord Sukanto from the Kingdom of the Incessantly Corrupt Malaysia, who could refuse BP her life-giving elixir of LNG
Damn! That's so well said. Thank you.
always remember to follow the money
Christy told all the moms and dads the same thing during the 2013 election. Apparently a lot of them believed her.
Wonder if Christy ever gets the feeling she's not being taken seriously---or that her ministers are doing stuff without asking her first, or that the Premier's rumpus-room full of BFF sycophants might be just a sop to keep her from getting under foot in the kitchen---because she seems to be taking liberty with public-speaking engagements by tossing out one of her cringe-inducing anecdotes which are strikingly inconsiderate, and usually so tastelessness and tactlessness as to be almost certainly ad lib. Is it merely coincidence she slips her collar at the podium where she's beyond the reach of better council? Or does she simply believe she's clever enough to do stand-up off the cuff?
These off-the-lease improvisations often have an overweening Christy-to-the-rescue aspect to them. Of course it's natural for leaders to remind what their governments have done for select beneficiaries, as in this instance where COFI is being reminded of how the BC Liberals' raw-log export policy has allowed integrated forest-products companies to divest themselves of value-adding mills (that is, to disintegrate) and quietly make a bundle on log-exports while BC effectively exports jobs, direct and indirect, along with all those logs; and leaders especially do this during election campaigns, this one getting a year-long-plus head-start to ensure this message gets driven home: support us or lose the largess (we also note how often BC Liberal brag in units of trucks, whether it be Site-C, the fracking industry, LNG or Truck-Logging rallies). Yet Christy seems to take extra pains to spell out in anecdote that it's her at the head of such a generous government as if her audience constantly needs reminding.
Politicians who are as supremely self-confident as, say, a Christy Clark or a Sara Pallin is, risk spiralling into a trap by mistaking it for competence--- then by doubling down with more to prove it. Christy, who's nothing if not self-confident, appears to really believe with genuine sincerity that the politicians' devices of folksy anecdote and the defiant pose of resolve are all that's required. Troubling it must be for her that while she's convinced showing her sincere self-confidence is the right thing to do, others are laughing at the probability her childlike comprehension of politics and public administration is really all there is to it. Thus she mistakes ham-handedness as deft decisiveness and crudity as fearlessly "telling it like it is"---never quite getting it that people more admire intelligent analysis and persuasive synthesis than simply being unafraid to say something---and trying to prove fearlessness by saying something completely stupid.
Welcome to bc
Magee 95 percent Asian heritage.lots of ESL
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