Today (i.e. April 2016)...
Yesterday (i.e. August 2014)...
The RCMP in B.C. is facing millions of dollars in provincial funding cuts for the coming year, creating a budget squeeze that the Mounties say will lead to staffing reductions in its organized crime and homicide units...
I think I see a pattern here.
And as for root causes?....Who needs to deal with those silly little trivial things!...After all they are nowhere remotely close to becoming a brand new "#1 Priority"...
The Kennedy Op-Ed: Don’t Ignore the Dog Whistles
20 minutes ago
Say "Yes" to law and order and family values..... Bwahahaha.....with the photo op with frankinHepner, the botox twit!
Off topic. Saw on news last night. Restaurant crisis! Downtown restaurants can't get enough help. This could hurt property values as the wealthy downtown peeps can't eat when they want.
Reminds me of a stay in downtown Cowtown a few years ago. Nearly impossible to find an open restaurant later in the evening. Once I found a place I inquired as to why. Hard to find employees. When I suggested paying a decent wage I got a blank stare.
Pay a decent fucking wage!
Wouldn't it be even more beneficial if the government provided adequate funding to capture white collar criminals. But.......I guess that wouldn't work because our law enforcement agencies don't have the skills to do that,and if they did they would have to arrest the current group that funds them. They certainly don't want to bite the hand that feeds them.
Wait a minute, they just funded the law enforcement agencies to fight gangland related crime right? Doesn't that extend to criminal conspiracy to commit fraud, theft, engage in criminal activities with known criminal organizations or (regimes)? I know its a bit of a stretch, but there is a "compelling issue of intent" with regard to the actions of the current BC Liberal government.
Criminal organizations, are not necessarily "known" to the public as well as gangs are. There are other criminal entities at work in the province, one only has to change the focus of the optics, and a "new perception" comes into view.
Our Lady Of The Perpetual Photo Op, from her cloister in the Sorbonne (where she retreats from the other cloister at the University of Edinburgh where she can view and gain strength from Margaret Thatcher's image),giveth, and then taketh away...and then giveth back again, at least until the next election
thank you for the reminder and laugh with the post.
it would be reasonable to conclude the photo op queen created the problem. wonder if the MSM will remind taxpayers of that little item?
Simple formula, Mark. Give out before election. Take away after.
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