Friday, August 18, 2023

If A Sweaty And Rat-Like Wingnut's Biography Falls In The Forest...


   ...Will Anybody Read?

A biography of Tucker Carlson written by an acolyte was published recently.

It has not been selling well:

Like anyone promoting a book, the general plan is to create buzz, get people talking and, hopefully, get them buying. While people might be talking about Tucker, a new biography by Chadwick Moore about former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the buzz apparently failed to translate to book sales...


 ...According to numbers provided by Publisher’s Weekly, Tucker, in its first week of release, sold just 3,227 hardcover copies...


Why might that be?

Well, there is the fact that the Murdoch family threw the good Mr. Carlson off their propaganda network a few months ago which just might have decreased the former bowtie guy's visibility with the MAGA-crowd he so desperately and cynically courts, full-time, these days.

And then, of course, there is the matter of how little that particular crowd actually reads.


There just might be something else at work here.

Mike, our favourite microbiologist, mad or otherwise, explains:

...When conservatives in good standing publish books, conservative institutions, such as think tanks, buy a ton of copies (and give them away) to juice sales numbers. Right now, I don’t think Carlson is in particularly good standing, and so no rich foundation, think tank, or billionaire is buying a bunch of his books.

 Essentially, Carlson('s biography) is competing in the market, and (it) is losing...


To re-cap.

No wingnut welfare, no sales.

Imagine that!

Why the pejorative in the header?...Well, 'sweaty and rat-like' is precisely how the good Mr. Carlson described Ukranian president Volodymyr Zelensky during his very first 'broadcast' on the Twittmachine after the Murdochs kicked him to the curb...



Keith said...

And at the other end of the aforementioned wingnut welfare spectrum....

And if your not a politico but the son of one named trump..

“While it’s not uncommon for books to be sold for fund-raising purposes by Republican and Democratic committees, the R.N.C.’s “Triggered” purchase is unusual in that the committee is promoting a book written by a candidate’s son who isn’t a politician and isn’t running for office.”

Must be a blow to tucker’s self esteem.

Evil Eye said...

Tucker who? Is he not a Russian asset as he certainly acts like one. maybe that's why no one is buying his book.

Chuckstraight said...

Tucker,s books may be handy in the outhouse.

e.a.f. said...

Carlson is yesterday's news and no one is interested in him. He was big with the MAGA crowd for a time, but not a meaningful way. He was "popular" because he trashed other people and was extremely rude. Unless you are very funny and good while doing that, people just think of it for a minute and that's it. Carlson was never known for being "nice or kind" He wasn't generous. Murdoch fired himm and so he is off the list. I'm sure Carlson isn't being invited to the soical events he used to be either.

What goes around, comes around.