Thursday, August 03, 2023

Newspaper Editorials, What Are They Good For?


Newspaper editorials.

What are they good for?

Absolutely everything (say it again)!

Especially when they are, in fact, good.

An excellent example is a recent editorial from the board of the Kansas City Star:

Republicans, our democracy depends on your willingness to read the Trump indictment

    Please read it.

We refer, of course, to the 45-page indictment that explains exactly what Donald J. Trump did to overthrow our democracy.

It explains, in great detail, how Trump knew from his own people that he had lost the election. And how, based on claims that even he knew to be “crazy,” he tried through various schemes to stay in power anyway.

It explains, in a simple and straightforward way, what Trump did that has never been attempted by any previous occupant of the Oval Office.

Especially if you are among the nearly 75% of Republicans who according to a recent New York Times/Siena poll do not believe that Trump committed a serious federal crime, don’t you owe your country that effort?

Even if you are among those who say yes, he committed serious crimes and you’ll happily vote for him anyway, you still owe it to your country to acquaint yourself with what crimes it is that you’re willing to overlook.

Virtually all of the facts set out in the document were revealed by not just other Republicans, but by Republicans appointed and employed by Donald Trump.

If you don’t trust us to characterize what it says, read it for yourself...

It really is a fine chunk of editorial writing.

But here's the thing...

Actually sitting down and reading something longer than the chyron at the bottom of the non-stop screamer-casts they are addicted to just might be a wee bit of an issue for the fine folks that the KC Star Ed. Board is trying to reach.

Which, I reckon, just might be the crux of the matter.



NVG said...

Born in 44, I thought that I would never see a real Quisling in my lifetime


RossK said...


Perhaps they come in well spaced waves...


Lew said...

“…because no one likes to have to admit, even to himself, that he was mistaken.”

Mistaken, or deluded? I can’t see how anyone who has stayed on the Trump train this long can possibly have the wit to think their way off.

RossK said...


Or have the will power to just turn off the damn TeeVee.


Evil Eye said...

The problem in the excited states is that their education system has been so watered down by local school boards that the average child gets a very uneducated education.

The intelligent and/or the gifted will always do well but the average person grows more and more ignorant. Rote education, which is preferred by the Charter Schools, kills any sort of real learning simply because it kills curiosity.

The same in happening in BC as the NDP are stopping letter grades until grade 9 and the big problem I see the students and parents will not really know where the kid stands until grade 9 and by then it is too late.

What the removal of letter grades will do is hide incompetent teachers, which is probably the main reason it is being done.