Thursday, August 31, 2023

Seven Trillion.


From the notoriously commie, pinko, lefty, tree-hugging folks over at the International Monetary Fund:

Fossil-fuel subsidies surged to a record $7 trillion last year as governments supported consumers and businesses during the global spike in energy prices caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the economic recovery from the pandemic.

As the world struggles to restrict global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and parts of Asia, Europe and the United States swelter in extreme heat, subsidies for oil, coal and natural gas are costing the equivalent of 7.1 percent of global gross domestic product...

To put that seven trillion in perspective...

It is far, far more more than all of the governments in all of the world spent on education  last year.

Imagine that!

TipOTheToque to Greg Fingas and his fantastic links page which is a daily scan for me...
It's all BC Ferries all the time for us this week...We were on the Sunshiney/Smokey Coast on the weekend for a very nice family wedding. Then, yesterday, I rented a UHaul and came over to Victoria (littler e. is coming back to Central Lotusland!)...Will be returning later today before C. and I, and the Wackadoodle II, too, come right back again tomorrow for the last long weekend and Grandpop's birthday...Our Ferry Service has taken it on the chin this summer and, while I still have an issue with how and why those Fun, Fun On The Autobahn boats were procured, I have to say that it has been smooth sailing for us so far (fingers crossed)...


1 comment:

Evil Eye said...

What do you expect when the Fossil fuel industry have the best politicians money can buy. Just look at former premier Horgan!