Toronto, Ontario
43° 40' North; 79° 24' West
Climbed into the cigar tube, heading east, again.....bad vibe on AC148.....weird uptight businessman in seat beside me who ignored sadistic Kim Basinger kidnapping movie and very first Cheers episode, and that idiot Dave Chalk and instead spent the entire flight, except for 1min 30sec wolfing of pasta (I had chicken), poring over organic hydroponic magazines.....$48.00 cab ride to hotel near no longer Maple Leaf Gardens on Carleton....Hotel might have been nice when Davey Keon was a rookie...not the Empire, although 15 min later was sitting in the lounge°..... next day maids are mean.....concierge is meaner....and desk clerks are just plain creepy.... reminds me of that place in Milwaukee run by the storm troopers that HST went on and on and on and on about during the early days of the heady, but doomed, McGovern Primaries in 1972.....went looking for Finkleman at Sam the Record Man on Yonge St.....couldn't find him, but did buy an old vinyl copy of Court and Spark.
Supposed to dip down to windchill-assisted -30°C in the Center of the Universe tonight....Finkleman has probably already been reclining on wrong'em boyo Laz-Y-Boy for, it's back to the science geeks.
°ECostello's refrain 'I don't want to go to Chelsea' would also be appropo.
The Mango Candidate
2 hours ago
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